"Month once read an article that everything will happen again every one thousand years! I want to live for a thousand years and then when everything starts again in a thousand years, I will protect the month! " Yuji said firmly
I silently looked at Yuji and knew it was impossible. Why should I say that? Yuki doesn’t want to believe the fact that Moon is dead!
Looking up at the dark day, I will return the tears that are about to overflow. I should have killed Hiou Shizuka, who was saved by Yue, and Yue died at the hands of Hiou Shizuka and Kuran Rido mutually assured destruction! Hiou Shizuka said that Yue seems to have felt something long ago. Please do this. Yes! The tree sealed the vampire lineage and memory of Yuji, and also sealed the vampire lineage of Yueyue. However, she never thought that she had a memory in her newborn month. From beginning to end, she knew that her mother and father died in the hands of Kuran Rido. Her plan was based on my plan, so how did she know my plan? I’m afraid no one can answer this question.
Kuran Rido is dead, and my sister Jiu Lanyue died together. After that, there is no way to see the moonlit child on the tennis court. She is dead and there is not even a body.
Touching my chest with one hand, that’s where my heart beats. I found it beating back to the Millennium. There was a person who beat alone. The child who brought my heart beat is gone. The child I loved at first sight is gone. That let me never say that the child I love is gone. Now I have Yuji left with me.
Looking at the tennis court and learning tennis from Lan Tang, I feel a faint pain in my heart. Why don’t you believe that she is gone? Why do you have to work so hard?
"Because I firmly believe that I will meet in my lifetime! I’m sure I’ll meet that kid who always smiles again! You should also firmly believe this! " Hiou Shizuka said with a smile on the court.
"Because we want to try our best to remind her of everything we have when we meet again, we must work hard to catch up with her!" Zuisheng also held a racket and said lightly, "You should also work hard to make her last words come true!" "
I laughed in a low voice. What a bunch of idiots! But this is good!
"good! It’s time for me to exercise! Otherwise, you will lose very badly next time! " I walked into the tennis court. My name is Blue Dye Moon?
When I opened my eyes, it was white. I stood up and looked around. Am I not dead? Vampires can’t be resurrected when they die! How can you come back to life without a soul?
"Are you awake?" Next to a cold sound.
I turned my head to look at the stiff white bat? Do bats have white?
"hey! The woman is coming back! "
Looking intently, I twitched my mouth. "Blue leopard?"
"Woman, do you have any questions about uncle?" The blue leopard raised its claws and said
I help my forehead. I think I know who these two non-living things are in front of me. The 40th blade-Urchiola? Xifa and the 60th Blade-Grimjow? Jaka Jack, it turns out that their prototype is really like this!
"What’s wrong?" Urchiola looked at me and asked
"no! What is this place? " As soon as the words came out, I began to despise myself. Where else could these two future breakthroughs be?
Hueco mundo!’ Urchiola said simply
"Ah, here! What will I be here? " I asked strangely
"It was Lord Aizen who sent you here!" Urchiola said quietly
Light light blue dye adult? How could I get involved with such a dangerous person? I shouted in my heart
"Do you know who I am?" I pointed to myself and asked Ulchiola
White bat head shook "I don’t know! Lord Aizen said let’s protect you. Nothing else! "
So cute! I bit my finger and looked at Urchiola and couldn’t hug! Can’t hug! He’s not the time when I was playing Kuran Rido!
"Feed the woman!" Next to grimm Joe uncomfortable call way
"Ah?" I looked at him blankly.
Grimjow’s forehead was blue with veins standing out. "Don’t you dare ignore uncle!"
"Goo ~ ~"
I blushed and said timidly, "I’m hungry!" "
Grimm Jolin suddenly rose. "I’ll kill you!"
As soon as I jumped up from where I was lying, I dodged Grimm Joe’s blow. When I fell, I didn’t know where to land and stepped on his tail.
"you damn woman!" Grimm joling pressure is rising again.
"Help!" I’m running around.
I don’t know how many days later, I was being chased around by Grimm Joe. I saw two people.
As soon as Grimjow hit me, "Why did the dead woman suddenly stop!"
I was about to eat hueco mundo sand when I didn’t look steady. I was caught by a pair of hands and then I heard, "Is Moon okay?"
"Brother!" I couldn’t help but make a sound, and then I froze, brother?
"Month finally woke up! Brother misses you very much! " My master holds me tight.
I saw the fox behind my master scratching his head awkwardly. "Can you let me go first? Although I just called your brother, I still don’t know who you are! "
"What did you say?" Look at the gentle man frowned.
I swallowed my head in fear. "I’m sorry!"
The man seemed to feel that I was afraid and touched my head with my big palm. "Moon not only woke up, but also woke up! However, from your mouth, you must have known who I am! "
"Are you really my brother?" I opened my eyes and said
"Yes! I’ve slept for almost 300 years, sister. Welcome to wake up! I am your brother Lan Ranbi Yousuke! " The man said with a smile
"Is my name Blue Dye Moon?" I pointed to myself and asked
"yes! Blue dye moon! My sister Lan Dye Yue is my favorite in this life! " Blue Dyer Bi Yousuke picked me up and pointed to Marubeni and said, "His name is Marubeni!"
"Fox!" I blurted out, I swear to God, I saw Marubeni laughing.
"Ha ha! Captain Aizen’s sister is really cute! " Marubeni said with a smile
"Smiling fox!" I went on to say that I could swear to God again that I saw the corners of the mouth twitch.

By adminq