Numbering madness is being carried to the depths of Asia by the fallen Adaling clan [the fifth chaotic god-Serenity].
The closer you get to the awakening state, the more crazy you will be, and the more you will induce those Adaling people to fall.
Form a stable vicious circle!
Adaling people are just like a big cake, which is changing towards the favorite taste of "Color Nie".
They carefully prepared their first meal when they got up.
In this big situation, although there are many people in the Adaling clan, they still remain awake.
Not as crazy as my compatriots.
But just like ordinary people, relying on their mouths means a group of guys who are high on powder.
Being a minority, they will eventually change the big situation.
Can watch everything become more and more erosive.
Later, as some Adaling people predicted a great threat through super psychic ability, it was getting closer and closer.
There are Adaling sobers who build their own people to escape [Ark].
Transform some worlds into mobile combat bases, and reserve a large amount of knowledge and materials ready to deal with all kinds of unexpected problems at any time.
Bound by various dogmas of the believers of the gods, though not rapidly degenerated
But in the face of more and more strong temptation, there are fewer and fewer Adaling people who can hold on.
The deities of the Adaling clan, on the other hand, did not rest assured of their followers’ various changes because their perception was affected by "color evil".
What has happened in these few thousand years is no different from a day or two to them who have lived for tens of millions of years.
Those changes of Adaling people should be regarded as psychological changes caused by force.
Root didn’t realize that 【 color evil 】 is secretly leading everything.
Chapter 427 【 life planet coordinate estimation algorithm 】
Earth Time Park 19694
After nearly 20,000 years of continuous fermentation, the Zerg Ozaki, a long-standing war between the two races, has been going on.
The scale of the war is also getting bigger and bigger. In terms of the situation, Ozaki has evolved from being constantly encircled by various star zergs to a close state, and can pinch the whole zerg at the same time
They are fighting with hundreds of stars at the same time, with a total range of more than ten million light years.
Stars and races are easily erased by all kinds of non-attacks just because they are involved, and even the waves can’t be turned over.
And both of them are too lazy to calculate how many articles they have destroyed. Anyway, it is just a little trivial matter.
At this point, somewhere on the battlefield
A large number of [Junpa-Ozaki derivatives] are gathering together to try to create a controllable mobile black hole to destroy a star occupied by Zerg together with the middle Zerg directly.
And a large number of zerg troops soon sensed the signs and were carrying out various interventions to stop each other.
Several creatures are frantically fighting with the surrounding stars, and the Ozaki derivative army has already occupied the planet too much.
Troops with a number of more than ten figures are fighting here.
Eldrazi’s eldrazi derivative base points release their own psionic special talents [swarm will], causing [Asian shadows] to stalemate and interfere with each other.
Even when they are strong, their strength is constantly distorted.
Small dimensional worlds are constantly being born and destroyed. From a distance, there are waves from time to time.
And every wave that goes up and goes out represents the birth and destruction of a different dimensional world.
This scene is just the tip of the iceberg of this vast battlefield for both of them.
The warring forces here are just a small unit of them.
In the past 20,000 years, they have been constantly pushing and killing each other, and their evolution speed is as fast as that of installing a ftl engine. Both sides have become more numerous and stronger in quality, which is more than 100 times stronger than that in the initial stage.
The bigger the brutal war, the more it can activate their potential and make them make greater progress.
Compared with human beings and Adaling races, they are just like lame, old, weak and sick.

By adminq