Olga Carrie had already reported the invitation to the Lord of Lieyang Castle and sent back the news that Peter Desmonk invited the Lord of Lieyang Castle to join the Golden Court.
Therefore, after seeing Ramonggart’s full strength, Nando guessed that Olga should arrive soon.
Moreover, he knows Ramon well, and Nando believes that the general of Iron Fort must have tried to intercept Olga Li and this plan failed. That’s why Ramon canceled the previous plan of taking turns to kill the strength of Yinlong Fort bit by bit and changed to radical tactics.
Understand this, Nando feels a lot of pressure, but he also knows that it is not necessarily hopeless to persist.
He immediately released the news that reinforcements would be announced to the army and exaggerated the number of reinforcements, which gave the Yinlongbao army a shot in the arm.
Nando worked hard to regenerate the fighting spirit of this army, and everyone gritted their teeth and just resisted the attack of the Iron Fort, so that Raymond Fa got his wish.
It’s almost two hours before Ramonggart finally receives the news that Olgari’s motorcade has arrived in Naita, so that part of Tolva Reading’s troops can be transferred to the rear to intercept the female general with the title of "Silver Dragon Eyes" and avoid the other side and give herself a knife.
As a result, the pressure on the front line of Yinlongbao naturally dropped. Nando was keenly aware of this and immediately sent the news of reinforcements to the defense soldiers, which greatly encouraged them.
The morale of Yinlongbao was greatly boosted, and there was another news of snow and frost on Raymond’s side.
The Iron Blood Castle suffered an attack and lost a large number of defenders. beria, the duke, surrendered and ordered Raymond to retreat from Longji Plain immediately.
When receiving this news, Raymond naturally did not believe it and hurried back from the front to the main account of the camp to ask for communication with Iron Fort.
A moment later, he saw beria Carter, the duke, on the screen.
As soon as we met, beria sank in the screen. "General Raymond, why are you still in the camp? Didn’t I say to let your horses leave Longji Plain?"
Raymond Zheng didn’t expect the duke to reach this order. He frowned and said, "Lord beria, we are one step away from attacking Yinlongbao. At this time, we will lose a lot if we retreat!"
"Almost?" Beria roared in the screen "Ramonggart, when will you keep it from me! Sequoia Castle tried to ambush Olga Li’s army, and even Derek became a prisoner. "
"And up to this moment, you haven’t hit Yinlongbao, but Olga should have arrived in Longji Plain by the time of calculation."
"If you call again, I’m afraid you won’t have to evacuate, and then we won’t be the wave for the better part of this month. I’m afraid I have to pay some compensation to redeem you, Thor and my army."
Ramonggart’s forehead was sweating. He really didn’t report the incident of Sequoia Castle because he was worried that the duke would stop fighting.
But now the Lord has got the news, and as he said, Olga Li will soon arrive at the battlefield.
Tolva Reading is the only one, and Raymond doesn’t know how long he can hold off.
Thinking of this, Raymond sighed, "I know. I’ll evacuate now."
"That’s right."
Say that finish beria ended communication.
Raymond closed his eyes for a long time and remained silent for a moment before he made a sign disheartened, "We lost the battle by announcing the retreat of our army …"
Soon Yinlongbao found that the allied forces of Tiexue Fort retreated in an orderly manner. After watching the enemy withdraw for ten kilometers, Nando finally believed that this was not Raymond’s decoy. Tiexue Fort really withdrew.
Suddenly there was a cheer on the battlefield and the night went on for a long time.
In the main building of Tiexue Castle
After the communication, beria looked respectfully at the silver-haired man in the rear and looked at the’ God’s Adult’. His face smiled and said, "God’s Adult has told me to let Ramonggart withdraw as you asked. I don’t know what else you ordered?"
"Call me Lord Tianyang later."
Tianyang smiled and said, "Not yet, but I believe in the same God. I think we should get along with each other. What do you think, Mr. beria?"
Beria ha ha a smile "should be if god makes adults willing to I iron blood fort from now on can join the fierce Yang fort become your client".
"Not for the time being"
Tianyang rationally refused and said, "This floor now needs you and me to know that I will appear in the iron fortress in a softer way, and we can show some cooperation. It is not too late to announce your decision just now when the time is ripe."
Beria nods, "Everything follows the instructions of the Lord Tianyang."
"Well, I’ll be leaving now."
Say it’s dawn, and when I come out again, I’ve come to the former place to share with Olga Li.
He spat slightly and hung a faint smile on his face. "It worked."
In the former’ Fog Country’, the Blue River continued to preach that the sunny days are beneficial to the fog country to suppress and harass others, and also participated in this action to let beria interfere with the Blue River.
Finally, half an hour later, beria became a shallow believer.
Preliminary control of the duke Yang let blue river announced his’ angel’ identity, and then this identity let beria reach instructions to solve the dilemma of Yinlongbao in one fell swoop.
Then every day, he would take the Blue River to preach to beria, deepen his faith step by step, and finally make the Iron Blood Castle truly become his water power and his card.
The silver light appeared, and Tianyang started the galaxy flashing and was about to go to Yinlongbao. Suddenly he remembered one thing. He didn’t ask Olga for the road map of Yinlongbao!
This is a bit embarrassing.
However, the day after tomorrow, Yang had a countermeasure. There were traces of motorcades passing by on the ground, and there were enough of them. Even people like Tianyang who were not good at tracking could follow these traces to Yinlongbao.

By adminq