Look at the future, bend your head to Xuanyuan night, your legs are wide and your eyes are slightly narrowed, looking at the days when white clouds are floating gently, and white marshmallows are floating one after another.
In the future, Xuanyuan Night’s hand gently stroked her hair, and her eyes also showed a longing for the future. You will bring me together and I will have two cute little princesses and two cute little emperors. I imagine the princess bending and cute, and he is as handsome as his thin lips. I can’t help but raise a little smile.
You treat me like a pig
Sit up from his leg and turn around, staring at him with big eyes. You are raising a man angrily between a baby girl’s immature face. You are destroying the national flowers with words. Do you know that the girl is only nine years old now, and you actually told me to have a baby? I promised you to have a baby?
Can you imagine an adult man telling a little doll that he wants her to have a baby? The picture can’t help shivering. She looks at Xuanyuan night with suspicion from her eyebrows.
You’re really not a pedophile. The more you think about it, the more you think about it. He’s very inclined, and he can put it on his nine-year-old girl every day.
You laugh and cry at Xuanyuan night, but your forefinger punitively gives her a little nose.
I’m not a pedophile, but I’m a masochist. You’re a little queen. The word masochist is also in a cold curved mouth. Well, I don’t want him to be a king, but I’m planted in this little girl
Cold bend left the pie mouth as if to say.
Man, you seem to be busy recently.
The figure that kept wandering in front of me suddenly disappeared, and he didn’t even find anyone to go to the imperial house. One has to wonder what he is hiding from himself or not.
How did the little queen finally know that she missed her husband? Xuanyuan night smiled proudly, and her fingers slipped from the cold and soft hair.
I feel so good, you
Cold bend grumpily gave him a white look, and she could know if she liked to say it or not.
Oh, I’m angry. Xuanyuan Night is not busy these two days because I received a letter from Liao and Uttar Pradesh at night. Both countries will be in China these days. It seems that these two countries dare not give up on marriage.
They twisted their eyebrows in a cold way and didn’t like those two countries. They still wanted the day king to take their princess.
Well, Xuanyuan nodded at night. I’ve come back in the daytime, and I don’t know if I can talk to Tiger Roar in the daytime.
I think that night, Liao and Uttar Pradesh were constantly fighting with each other. This time, they were afraid of what trouble they would cause. For example, they were cold and bent, but their eyes were shining. It seemed that they were looking forward to it.
I think that the marriage of the night Liao always went smoothly. I didn’t expect that it was not unexpected that the night Liao should send someone to deal with the minister of the night Liao.
I hate it when the night is cold and cold, and I feel that the emperor of that country has always been ambitious and sinister, but don’t blame her if he wants to make trouble in her place this time.
Cold bend suddenly make Xuanyuan night one leng suddenly tense body damn it, he didn’t find anyone nearby, but look at the bend, it must be someone she knows.
A black figure in the cold and curved words fell, and now the purple pupil of the golden mask on the roof became more and more dazzling in the sunshine, which made Xuanyuan night unbearable to twist his eyebrows.
He’s my bodyguard. Lengwan said to Xuanyuan Night.
Xuanyuan didn’t speak at night. This masked man is hard to connect his bodyguard status with this momentum, but he doesn’t feel surprised that he is bent. It seems that nothing is impossible to bend his eyebrows.
Chen recently, the ministers of Uttar Pradesh and Liao Dynasty will come to Tianyao. I estimate that Liao Dynasty will take the people of Uttar Pradesh to the dark place that night and stare at them. Don’t let them make a big deal out of it, whether it is dead or alive. In fact, she doesn’t care, but it’s easy to catch herself. Now it’s the queen of Tianyao who should do her part at the right time.
It was Yechen who replied that the figure disappeared as it came. From beginning to end, his eyes were not given to Xuanyuan Night.
Xuanyuan night back carefully looked at the cold curved said
Bend your identity is I don’t know.
Cold bend also cocked his head, blinked his eyes, blinked his lips and spat two words that made Xuanyuan vomit blood at night.
Can you guess?
Chapter ninety-two Assassination
Three days later
It’s sunny in Wan Liyun
A mighty procession entered the Tianyao Dynasty, with two high-headed horses on the left, and a white man sitting on the back of the black horse. He looked cold and handsome, with his eyes bent and his sword on his back, and his ears were alert. On the right, a brown horse was sitting on the back, with a blue robe and long black hair, and his arms were tied up and his mouth was smiling, but that was as extraordinary as it was. This man’s skill must be extraordinary.
Two men were in front of them, followed by two guards holding embroidered gold flags, one in the north and one in the state, each occupying a flag and flying against the wind.
Two exquisite sedan chairs were protected by guards before and after the procession. In the sapphire sedan chair, there was a celestial Yao Chen from Uttar Pradesh, while the curtain of another golden Su sedan chair was gently lifted, and a charming face was exposed. The eyes of Hao Qiuyue looked at everything outside the sedan chair with curiosity.
Attention, everyone. We’re going into the jungle ahead. We should be careful
The white man in front turned back and solemnly told the guards behind him that the wind blew up his robe and his expression was very dignified.
It was the bodyguard who answered the question, and the loud voice echoed in the wilderness.
Okay, move on. The white man waved and everyone moved on.

By adminq