"I’m shocked, you go to this company to find the Wangfu token now. If this token is gone, then … I guess there is nothing wrong!"
"Yes!" I was so shocked that I ran out quickly.
As a result, as expected, the token was really forgotten, but … If the evidence is received, the token thing … maybe it can be changed to just a trap …
LianJianJia shook her head. It seems that she will go to the Guo family tomorrow.
Chapter 21 Visiting the Guo Family
Even the cockroach token has become the only clue, but this clue is based on speculation. If you destroy the token yourself and frame it, it will become nothing. Now the only way is to ask Guo Xiue and Guo Jia for help.
However, I haven’t seen Guo Xiue for a few days, and she seems to be haggard again. But she doesn’t blame anyone or blame anyone. It’s not that she doesn’t know what kind of person even the tiger roars for so long, but that doesn’t make her not sad.
Even Jia Jian sent a message to the Guo family, but he will be angry if you behave yourself with him. After all, the Guo family doesn’t want to be confined to vulgar manners, but also requires everyone to follow the footsteps of the family without any violation.
Guo Qianyan came to go for a walk in the shop, but she knew that even Jia Jian was coming and deliberately waited for her at the door. Guo Xiue always shed tears and didn’t want to say anything, but none of these women ever came to visit her.
"Excuse me, uncle," Lianjia followed the Guo housekeeper into the main hall.
Even though Jia Jian is already a princess, Guo Guke will never treat that person differently because of how high his family is married.
Guo Qianyan nodded. "Well, how are you doing in Wangfu these days?"
"Speaking of shame, I just learned how to manage my backyard. There are many things. Today, in addition to seeing my mother, I have to trouble my mother because something happened …"
"Something’s wrong?"
"Uncle, I don’t want to hide that you were too anxious when you left the mansion with your mother that day. The sovereign gave me a Wangfu token before marriage, but I missed it at home. As a result, I don’t know that someone took this token to make a fuss about alienating my Iraqis and eldest brother."
Guo Qianyan frowned. "I want to provoke you young players."
"Uncle, listen to me. It’s natural that this happened." Even JianJi told Guo Qianyan about Mo Wei and even Iraqi affairs, including his own speculation.
It’s well-founded, and besides, it’s impossible to find a reason to make moves against Lian Mo.
"It’s obvious that your report won’t do a difficult thing for a child, but it seems that they are not prepared to consider this possibility, so they went to the door first. It wasn’t intentional and there is really no way to explain it. Can you tell your uncle what you did?"
LianJianJia shook his head with a wry smile. "Maybe it’s because of me and the sovereign. Besides, I haven’t done anything outrageous or anything else. Such things are regarded as smearing the family, and my grandfather has always regarded the family as his life. Naturally, it’s not me."
Guo Qianyan, a "family in name only", is also puzzled, but he doesn’t even need to tell himself that he still believes in the conditions. "So you said today that you want your mother to help you?"
"I’m afraid that I’ll bring trouble to my mother again. I want her to come with me to the academician courtyard and have a look. Don’t say that there is no nanny who is taken care of by my mother. I don’t know now that if I want to figure this out, I have to play along, but if I play along, it will inevitably turn against Iraqis and Brother Mo."
Guo Qianyan’s impression of Lian Yiren is not bad. After all, even Iraqis are lively and lively, which gives people a simple feeling. If Guo Qianyan doesn’t treat them equally, even a bowl of water will be as uneven as even the old people, which goes against his and the Queen Mother’s idea and destroys their planners, but it is aimed at Lian Jianyi.
Guo Qianyan hesitated for a moment and felt that the two sisters were still trying to persuade him that "the Iraqi girl’s sex is not what you think, but this situation is not what many people will say. If it is broken, family and friendship are all afraid, but it is still awarded to solve the Iraqi and Yue Wang affairs."
"Yue Wanggen didn’t defend me, but felt that it was very disrespectful for Iraqis to make trouble with their families. But I’m not here now, so it’s hard to get in touch with Iraqis, and even if I get this explanation, it will become more troublesome if she treats me as shattered glass again, and I feel that if we really want to provoke us, it should be too late by now."
"Well, I see. Go to your mother. By the way, if you have, come and see your mother often."
"It’s uncle"
Guo Xiue came to sit in this room and embroider flowers, but this embroidery was full of sadness, inexplicably, and tears. When she walked in the door and saw this Guo Xiue wiping her tears, she frowned slightly. She had nothing special, such as distressed thoughts, and she was not Li Xiue today.
I feel that I have a guilty conscience and even walked to Guo Xiue’s side to help her to be smooth. "My mother has come to see you."
Guo Xiue didn’t say a word, but she kept crying. She also said, "You said that your father kicked me out, and who will handle this? This Han family knows how to do their own thing all day long, and Fu family knows how to run a home shop. Your father seems to be stiff, but he used to have to take medicine once a month for an old wound in the battlefield. Now who will wake him up!"
Guo Xiue didn’t look up, but she couldn’t see even her eyes. Even her eyes almost wrote the word’ sad’.
The Guo family looks completely different from other families, but it is also different from Guo Xiue. To put it mildly, Guo Xiue is a well-behaved woman who teaches three virtues and four virtues. To put it bluntly, he is a dependent man who never considers himself.
Even Jia Jian doesn’t understand Guo Xiue’s idea. If she knows such an idea, she won’t accept it. Even though it’s sad to see Guo Xiue today, she still has to say what to do or do.
Even Jia Jian let Guo Xiue cry for a while and gently comforted, "Mother, stop crying, and your daughter can’t help crying."
"Well … mother doesn’t give you any trouble. Why are you here today?"
"Look at my mother now, so I dare not say it … I’m afraid you’ll feel even sadder after listening to my mother."
Guo Xiue wiped her tears and shook her head. "Nothing to say, mother. You are such a good daughter now …"
Even Jia Jian also repeated this story, even Mo Wei and even the Iraqi people. Guo Xiue became more and more sad as she listened to it. This just stopped crying, and it was getting worse and worse.
"Don’t cry, mother. Don’t cry. It means that the eldest brother is closest to his mother and loves her very much. Although it is very troublesome there, the Iraqis are not people who will break up with their mothers when they meet a Yue Wang."
"You tell me … what should a mother do?" Guo Xiue looked at Lian’s face as a mother. She was determined that she couldn’t sit by and watch her have a baby, but she fought.
Chapter 211 ultimately
Even the Iraqi left herself at the door for several days and no one saw her. She didn’t know that the reason why Yue Wang called off the engagement was because she got together with her family. But what kind of mistake is this? What is the difference between such a mistake and no reason? She can’t understand it.
"Miss Iraqi, the old man asked you to go to him."
"I’m not going! I don’t meet anyone and I don’t want anyone to see me! !” Even the Iraqis have always been sexual. When she is in a bad mood, she just doesn’t see anyone, no matter who says it.
Even the elderly in the family are angry with the Iraqis. The more angry she is, the more likely she is to succeed in her own affairs. A person who can’t even control his emotions must be lacking in talent. He sent three or four people to the last time and left others there without saying a word.
"The old man said that he knew that Miss Iraqi was in pain now. He already knew that the real reason for Yue Wang’s divorce was to invite Miss Iraqi to go."
As soon as I heard that I knew the reason, even the Iraqis went straight to the door and ran all the way. This letter page couldn’t follow.
Even the Iraqis ran to the old man’s room "grandpa! Lord Yue wants to break off an engagement! "
"Noisy is not decent!" Lian Jia’s old lady was particularly upset about Lian Yi’s sudden rush into this business.
Lian Jia’s old man shook his head to signal the Lian Jia’s old lady to go out first. "Iraqis, you put yourself in your room these days, but you want to understand why this Yue Wang Ye wants to abandon you?"
Lian Yiren shook his head. "Grandpa, I’ve been thinking for a long time. I don’t know what happened?"
"Yue Wang is getting engaged to Wang’s daughter soon, do you know?"
"What do you mean?"
"In fact, my grandfather can’t understand why this Yue Wang is going to withdraw your marriage, but this morning my grandfather’s friend in the DPRK said that this Wang family’s daughter will be married next month. I heard that this Yue Wang and his report are going to the ceremony. He said that this official department had nothing to do with these two people before Wang’s adult, that is, they suddenly became very close to these two reports these days. This Yue report is quite respectful to him."
Even the Iraqis shook their heads and couldn’t understand these things in the DPRK, but she could hear that one of the meanings he said was that the daughter of the Wangs would get married … Generally, even the wife was married early because of this, but she almost got married at that time, but she was so stupid.
"I know that your daughter’s family doesn’t understand this kind of marriage in court. Simply put, Yue Wang is now in a state of joining hands with the report. Autumn is coming, and many new officials will replace the old officials. They are still closer to the official department, and Yue Wang’s breaking off an engagement should be to please the Wang family."
Even the Iraqis cried and shook their heads. "I don’t understand anything."
"If Yue Wang marries Wang’s daughter’s wife, it is also a kind of promotion for Wang’s family. Isn’t it convenient for Wang Shang to do things? I’m your sister. She’s good with you. She won’t shoot you, but I didn’t expect that she is really from this palace now. "
Even the Iraqis watched the old man bite his lip. "I don’t believe it!"
After saying this, even the Iraqis ran out, but this sentence is true. Even the old people in the family can’t know what Yue Wang is like, but she knows that what Yue Wang hates most is that this clique is bound to get close to each other because it is easy to talk to this Wang Shang, not because of this kind of thing.
"Take your time … take your time …"
"Great grandfather! Great grandfather! Not good! " Even the old man brought his old entourage from my old house and ran into the room. "Madam has been visiting Master Mo these days! But I don’t know the news came back today and the two children were taken back by their parents. "
"You speak louder and the whole government can hear you!" Even the old man was not angry about this, but he was angry because the man was loud. Fortunately, even the Iraqi ran out, but even the Iraqi slowed down when he ran out of the door.
Even Iraqis don’t want to believe that everyone will fight. What’s worse is their own family. She can’t understand why it’s not good for her mother to go to see Mo, and what will happen to those two children when they go home?
Even the Iraqis are not stupid but don’t understand. She silently remembered these two sentences and prepared to go back and speculate.
And those two children brought back by their parents are now in the palace.
One of the parents of these two children is the doctor of this water department, and the other is that he belongs to this water department, and he didn’t know what he did until today.

By adminq