"The EG team is still dragging the super soldiers and has begun to remove the front teeth. Will GG be trapped alive?"
The picture sent by the big screen of the competition hall made all the audience pick up their hearts. Although the EG team was forced to open with the team battle, they were completely involved and exchanged heads because of the road. The super soldiers had already started to remove the front teeth of the GG team.
"GODEYES mantis once again took the Q skill, which has been pointed by VN to the head of Blonde, and the bull’s head was taken away by the policewoman. The GG team is likely to win this group battle, but what should the family do? Now it’s not whether they want to continue the group work, but the EG team will definitely not let them go back!"
On both sides, it took another full four or five seconds for Casadin and Ice Girl to exchange. After the EG team fought and retreated, it actually dragged the front line from the purple GG team to the middle road.
However, due to the high injury caused by VN cutting meat and the fact that the blood volume cost of most trees withstood the output of policewomen and horses, the GG team began to completely occupy the initial victory of the wind, but the initial victory of the team did not make the GG team’s danger relieved at all, but it became the highest point of the crisis because the road super soldiers began to dismantle the tower!
Even the audience screamed when the pilot cut to the road. Everyone knew that GG was going to be bad!
"After the three kills killed Bloom, GODEYES Mantis almost left with two hundred blood volumes. Once again, GODEYES’ head was damaged, and at the same time, he made a big move. The stealth policewoman didn’t point out this general attack. Otherwise, GODEYES might be killed. This guy is walking a tightrope. On the other side, KOU and the tree are bleeding. The two sides fought a wave of three for two EGs. Although one more person died here, they are completely acceptable. Because the blood volume of the first front teeth of GG team has been dismantled to half by super soldiers! They are dragging their feet now. "
"and the EG team front is still pulling all the way from the highlands to the middle!"
Reggie and GAGA watched the team battle between the two sides and their hearts almost jumped into their throats.
Because at the time of their regiment, the EG team super soldier was about to remove the first front tooth.
"Frontal battlefield tree silk blood exploded a big move, but the troops didn’t die, but the tree was killed by fifty drops of blood."
On one side of the big screen, the EG team is tearing down the front teeth, and on the other side, the GG team is being held back on the front battlefield.
At this time, the GG team of the two sides has occupied the absolute wind, but everyone knows that their situation is very bad now. The EG team has also replaced three of them, and all of them have entered a state of great disability. There are still four people left, and all the blood is less than one full blood!
"GODEYES mantis is another flying Q-strike that killed the dead blood team, but was also ordered by the policewoman to die? Didn’t trigger the dangerous game, returned to the blood volume, killed four times, refreshed E, and killed five times? The policewoman’s blood volume needs three points, and the Q skill can be taken away, but she didn’t open the second big move and became invisible. He was waiting for Q, waiting for Q. "
With a refreshing skill, the night maple once again collected the blood of the troops and took this wave of team battles to kill four times!
But at this time, a loud broken sound of the defense tower was handed out, and the EG team super soldier had actually removed a front tooth!
"A front tooth has been removed and the road super barracks will be removed. Although there is a wave of soldiers blocking it, it can’t stop the super soldiers!"
"The policewoman can’t kill it, and if she doesn’t go home, her front teeth will be removed!"
Match seats will be shocked to hear the first front teeth removed and immediately looked ugly.
At this time, when the policewoman pulled away from them with an E-skill reverse rope, Ye Feng’s face changed and he glanced at the half-blood VN in the headset and shouted wildly, "I can’t go back to kill the policewoman!"
On the big screen, when GODEYES mantis extreme E skill jumps and Q skill kills silk blood horses, it also takes a wave of four kills!
Immediately after that, I started the second stage of stealth, waiting for a Q skill to cool down and then take the policewoman’s head again!
However, the alpaca policewoman directly cooled down at this most dangerous moment, and the reverse rope of E skill opened the distance.
At the same time, the policewoman immediately got down on one knee and painted like blood, and a red star appeared in the remnant blood VN body not far away!
"Mantis take four kill! Turn on stealth immediately. He’s waiting for GODEYES to wait for a Q skill to cool down. The policewoman’s blood volume is more than 500 points. Although a general attack can’t take it away, a Q skill can definitely kill JZHVN. Does he want to go home to the Qing army line? Look at the alpaca. It’s a reverse e, but it’s big. Oh, my God, who is the alpaca still holding a big move to kill? The goal is VN! "
In the pilot lens with all the audience paying attention, the alpaca policewoman immediately made a reverse push of E skills and pulled the mantis apart when she knew the situation of escape, and then she immediately knelt down and made a big move to let the bullet fly red sight bless VN!
To want to turn back to shock Hou immediately froze.
"He still has a big move". Being aimed at by a cold gun feels like blessing through the screen. It will make him look at the screen in front of him in a flash.
"I can’t go back. Kill the policewoman!"
Then there is the night maple roaring in the headset
When the pupil shrinks sharply after the earthquake, the finger can flash in a straight line according to the keyboard VN and press it out. Instead of retreating, he actually narrowed the distance with the policewoman when he was firmly locked by the policewoman’s big move.
"Alpaca’s big move directly locks the remnant blood VN to kill VN, even if mantis takes the five-kill base, it can’t be saved!"
The big screen gun flower blooms and leaps, and the mantis figure falls in the middle.
PS, thank you, friend Yuwen Jianhong, for rewarding the helmsman with 10,000 yuan. Thank you.
Chapter four hundred and seventy-five Picture frames
"Alpaca know run away to desperate to replace vn? But I’m not a mantis! "
All eyes of the competition hall are firmly staring at the central screen with hundreds of inches.
After knowing that this wave is hard to escape, the eg team ad policewoman is immediately a refreshed E-skill rope, pushing the flint backwards, opening the distance from mantis, and then immediately opening a big move to make the policewoman kneel on the ground and the red sight is as red as blood, and then the gun flower blooms, but it is not vn when she falls to the ground!
"Kill her and kill the policewoman!"
The night maple sound screamed in the headset at the same time as he controlled the mantis to jump out, and the shock Hou seemed to have a connection with him. He had already pressed the flash, and the policewoman was killed one second after his screen turned black and white!
"Beautiful, don’t go back. When you go back, there is no line of soldiers. Push directly and push directly!"
The night maple sound seemed to be shaking and shouted quickly. He deeply knew that it would be impossible to go back and clean up the war line!
Road super barracks will also be pushed away immediately and then go back to keep up with these waves of eg teams. After they are resurrected, they will inevitably be devastated.
"This! Vn didn’t die. gdeyes helped him block the shot. vn robbed the policewoman’s head twice. The eg team was destroyed by the regiment, but the super soldier had removed the first front tooth. Fortunately, the super artillery was also killed by the front tooth tower. vn went back and kept his word. Here! Vn is not ready to go back to jzh and push it directly with this wave of soldiers. There are artillery and a big dragon buff bonus! Do you want to die for it! "
"At this time, he has finished going back. It is a desperate struggle. It is the only choice. Dalong buff and artillery should be able to withstand the damage of the defensive tower, but when can it come?
Gdeyes this guy has long expected that there is no turning back now. He blocked this deadly bullet for vn. He is too decisive. Although he needs to wait one more second for this wave, he can get a wave of five kills from the policewoman’s head, but mantis doesn’t have a clear mind when he is alive! In this case, is it true that advn can dismantle the tower ten thousand times faster than him?
Eg, the fastest resurrection here is Casadin. Fifty seconds left! "
There was a full pause for a few seconds before Reggie reacted. Every word was accompanied by amazement.
Wondering at this wave of gdeyes’ sacrifice for righteousness and decisive determination!
When he saw that it was difficult for vn to block this big move because of gdeyes mantis, vn flashed two arrows and the situation in the policewoman’s place was before him, he deeply understood how decisive this wave of mantis was.
Everyone’s nervous thoughts on the big screen have not relaxed with the dust settled in this wave of team battles, but everyone has become more nervous because of the desperate situation facing gg team now!

By adminq