In the past few years, Chen Song has been in contact with several academicians who specialize in nuclear energy. Among them, Academician Peng is the most unwilling to deal with it. His self-interest and selfishness are too heavy, which means that he is hiding everything.
Later, Chen Song was too lazy to deal with him. The letter sent to him this time was purely due to the fact that he was too ugly to be suspected by the outside world.
After all, Academician Peng is not a broad-minded person. If he really wants to lose such a big person, then he and Chen Song will get revenge.
Although Chen Song didn’t like Academician Peng, he didn’t dislike him very much, and he didn’t want to take revenge on him to add trouble to himself.
Academician Peng, after receiving the letter, really refused as Chen Song expected, saying that he would continue his research on the large-scale Tokamak route.
Chen Song naturally replied and expressed his regret and blessed him with his research.
Academician Dong and Academician Zhu, although they can’t say that they are not selfish at all, are not as selfish as Academician Peng, and they value national interests and scientific research more.
After calculating Chen Song’s plan, they had the idea of joining the project team. Even if they were successful, they would probably have the cheek to recommend themselves and agreed to come at the first time after receiving the letter.
With the core members, the project team also needs other backbones to fill these positions, which is also very important and can not be ignored.
These people are Chen Song, Tong Yihuai, Academician Dong and Academician Zhu. They each recommended some people, and Academician Peng also recommended some people.
Academician Peng himself can’t erase his face, but he doesn’t mind that his disciples are working under Chen Song’s hand. After all, he also knows what is right.
I have something to say.
It’s going to be over soon, and it’s going to be over soon. Notice one!
Chapter 118 Chapter 118
Of course, Academician Peng’s recommendation is also suitable for the candidate’s incompetence or other problems. He doesn’t want to lose face in front of Chen Song. If he loses face in front of his opponent, he will really lose face and run away after meeting him.
Personal grievances can be put aside for the time being in front of the country’s sense of honor, and Chen Song, a n experienced person recommended by Academician Peng, did not abandon them and assigned them to suitable positions.
Unlike the former collider project, the reactor project named after xi he was not publicized, although it was not strictly confidential or confidential, but the project itself was not confidential.
However, due to the lack of publicity, ordinary people don’t know that this project is in addition to paying special attention to people and professionals in this field.
Because of the lack of information about this project, there are also some discussions about it. After all, Xia Guo, which has already had the Oriental Super Ring, suddenly wants to build a nuclear fusion reactor named xi he. It is a very strange thing to think about it.
This is a fake, and billions of nuclear fusion reactors are not small toys.
Therefore, there are people who talk behind their backs, wondering whether Chen Song and Academician Peng are unwilling to relegate themselves to the country to appease them, so that Chen Song can start a new stove.
In the other two fields of nuclear energy research, Academician Daniel Dong and Academician Zhu escaped because they joined Chen Song’s research team, and there was no protagonist in the story of Chengmin Intelligence Bureau.
Such remarks naturally have no impact on the construction and preparation of the reactor project in the ears of Chen Song and Academician Peng.
Unlike the previous collider project, the collider also includes the overall design and research and development. This time, xi he reactor Chen Song has come up with the overall planning, and the researchers and engineers have implemented the planning in detail.
In this process, they will certainly encounter many technical problems, but such technical problems belong to the range that they may be difficult to solve but can solve.
Chen Song didn’t do everything himself this time, but assigned everything to take charge of the overall planning bureau himself. Of course, some of his experiences, such as the selection of superconducting materials, will be shared with the heads of various departments
He defines himself as where firefighters need to run. It seems that the project team is the most idle, but it is actually the busiest in the project team.
Chen Song predicted that it would be five years when he needed it. When he was five years old, he put all other workers almost isolated from the outside world.
This kind of isolation is not material isolation, but spiritual isolation. He put all his thoughts into the field of work and paid no attention to everything outside.
Five years sounds like a long time, and it is indeed a long time, but with things to do every day and goals ahead, Chen Song doesn’t feel lonely.
Of course, he hasn’t really participated in other activities, and he will still attend some academic conferences when he has to attend them.
However, his knowledge of outside news is also lagging behind.
This directly led to the fact that when the Nobel Committee called Chen Song, Chen Song was at a loss. He said a lot of things in English, which made him wonder if there was something wrong with his English listening. "I’m sorry, I didn’t catch it clearly. Can you say it again?"
The opposite side was dissatisfied and repeated, "Professor Chen, I am a member of the Nobel Prize Committee. I am honored to inform you that you have won the Nobel Prize in Physics. Please come to Stockholm, Sweden to receive the prize before January 1."
"Ah?" Chen Song is still at a loss, which is no different from what he heard before, but he still doesn’t quite understand how he suddenly won the Nobel Prize.
The staff politely asked, "Professor Chen, is there anything else you don’t understand?"
Chen Song thanked him during the ceremony and then hung up politely.
Speaking of it, Chen Song still feels a little trance. Has dark matter research made such a big breakthrough in recent years, even to the point where he can win the Nobel Prize?
Tong Yihuai walked into his office with a document and saw that he was not at work but in a daze. His partner asked in surprise, "What happened?"
Chen Song slowly looked up at him. "Although a little surprised, I think I should share this news with you. They informed me that I won the Nobel Prize in Physics this year."

By adminq