Dizzy! This also takes a long time to answer!
Shu Lele felt for the first time that my girl was also very difficult to fool.
Just then Ning Yichen came back and she solved the urgent need. Beibei was taken out by Ziziphus jujuba. At the moment of leaving, Shu Lele heard her say to Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, let’s wait a few days to see my brother!"
Okay, consider that you’re comforting Xiaobai, not yourself.
Shu Lele rolled over and fell down on the bed with her eyes closed. Ning Yichen lay beside her and toyed with her hair and suddenly asked, "Lele, did you let Beibei see Lu Xiaoxi today?"
"Are you going to arrange a place for Lu Xiaoxi?"
"Well, highland barley won’t hide anything from you. Ask him."
Ning Yichen suddenly leaned over and kissed her ear with a chuckle. "Lele can consider the overall situation and I will reward you!"
Ow ~ ~ ~ She is very sleepy! No reward is needed!
Shu Lele grabbed the blindfolded urn and said, "You have helped Beibei so much. Naturally, I want you to consider not letting Prince Yan stare at you!"
"Is that so?" Yang xian suddenly had a silk unhappiness.
"What else can it do?"
"Want to be like this" was uncovered, and someone bullied him, grabbed Shulele’s tiny mouth, and wantonly captured it.
"Ning Yi Dust" Shouts were stuck in his mouth, and Shu Lele felt that his heart was full of bitter tears. It was not peaceful again tonight.
But Ning Yichen immediately let go of her primly after tasting it. "Lele, you can’t take people back to the house casually. This time Beibei was an accident, you know?"
"Because … if you get Tom, dick and Harry back, in case Tom bites Tom or dick catches Tom, then our Ning Wangfu will be busy."
"Poof … you are a cat and a dog!" Shu Lele doesn’t laugh without it. What a metaphor!
Who knows that when she smiled, someone suddenly felt that flowers were in full bloom and suddenly moved his mind. "Lele dozed off?"
"Ah?" Shu Lele looks up at the big Uber, and the peach blossom eye is looking at her every time. She can’t help but look red and say with smile, "Didn’t wake up! People are going to sleep! "
"Don’t worry! Let’s play for a while! "
"Don’t play!"
"Don’t you want to play?"
"Haha, that’s fun!"
"… help! V ; ; ;”
In the middle of the night, Shu Lele suddenly felt that it was also a kind of happiness to have someone around him. He couldn’t help but rub his head in his arms and fell asleep again.
At this time, the Summer Lotus Garden is very restless.
In the shark’s tattooed account, Liu Yingying clutched her fist and silently counted Rining Yichen. It seems that she hasn’t been to Xiaheyuan for three or four days. She obviously felt that her position in his mind was slipping step by step.
And Yan Wang gave it to her, which has not yet been completed.
Such a thought that Liu Yingying’s method remains calm.
In the middle of the night, the summer lotus garden suddenly lights up in the screams of Liu Yingying, accompanied by the panic of the handmaids.
A handmaid rushed to the Winter Snow Garden and knocked on the gate.
Highland barley rushed to the door for the first time and folded HeWen "panic? Disturbed the dream of the Lord and the world, asking you! "
The handmaid trembled and said, "Please tell Master Liu that she had a miscarriage, and now the bleeding person is going into a coma!"
Slippery tire? Highland barley was shocked and did not dare to delay again. She hurried into the hospital and knocked on the door. "Ye Xia Heyuan came to say that Miss Liu is ill, please go there!"
"Send for a doctor!" Ningyichen lazy back to the body is not moving.
Highland barley turned around and told the maid that Ning Yichen meant it. She told her to send for a doctor, but the maid cried loudly and raised her voice. "Miss Shi Ye Liu’s belly is in danger. Go and see her!"
Damn it, I’m afraid of whatever comes! Can Shi Fei hear these words, too, when highland barley quickly jumped out of several black lines?

By adminq