Although the parents are not ordinary, it seems to more professional Internet practitioners that this is equivalent to the gospel.
How do you do it? What problems do you have? What optimization should you do? Is it the lack of external links or the problems of text and code? All of them are done by your own experience.
However, the existing page rating system requires that after registration, a string of codes can be implanted into the background of the network to get phase data analysis, and you can also see the data ranking of the same network as alea.
This unification and partiality, even if Tencent’s traffic ranks third, has a tendency to surpass the second-place network E, but it is just qualified to score 75.
Moreover, the score is not too high, and the internet will have various problems. As soon as this long family appeared, it attracted the attention of many professionals
This is, of course, the first step for ant search to enter the Internet market. Li Ziqiang arrived in Pengcheng from Yanjing. He is the chief card operating officer of Pangu Science and Technology Group, but it is urgent now that the ant search card planning office is officially taken over by Chen Bo immediately.
On June 1 ST, the technology market, public transportation and subway in more than three first-and second-tier cities in China unified "ants are coming!" Theme print advertisement
The picture is to exaggerate the expressions of all kinds of people’s mouths with big mouths and surprises.
On June 2nd, China’s provincial satellite TV and CCTV simultaneously rolled out a story that was also "The ants are coming!" 5-second hard advertisement
In the picture, there are young white-collar workers, students and business executives in suits and suits. Every advertisement is a person of different levels, but every advertisement has the same theme, that is, facing the brain and suddenly being frightened by the picture in the brain, and then exaggeratedly shouting "Ants are coming!"
No one knows what this animation really means, and everyone is wondering what the hell this ant is. Is it an invasive species public service advertisement? That wouldn’t be so hasty.
Newspapers and online forums have all shown a wave of discussion. Which company is advertising and which company is producing what? It is obviously against the advertising intention that you advertise without telling the public what the real product is.
Tengxun official website’s homepage has hung eye-catching banners and fsh advertising pages. Now it is overwhelming to guess that the theme posts in the forum can be close to a thousand.
Because the confidentiality agreement was signed in advance and when the advertisement was placed, the cover was very tight this time. Except for a few insiders, no one knew what it was, even if some advertising producers knew which company it was placed.
If it is this advertising effect, people always like to hunt for mysterious things. The more they can’t guess, the more interested they are, just like chasing girls.
However, there is a shelf life that cannot be too long, otherwise everyone will be tired after this.
Fortunately, this is not the era of mobile social interaction, otherwise a hot spot will be covered up in three or four days, and the advertisements close to 10 million yuan this month will be spread out in vain.
Then Chen Bo Huaxia Mobile and Pangu Science and Technology Group spread heroic posts in the name, inviting the I community to gather in Pengcheng 626 to call a "share and win-win" enterprise forum.
The invitation letter flew with eail to the guest mailboxes of all I-level executives and co-branded manufacturers.
Some bosses need Chen Bo to call in person to invite them. After all, they are seniors. It is not enough respect for you to send them away with an email address.
Like Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi Yang Yuanqing Zhu Linan Guo Wei Jinshan Qiubo Junlei Average Speed Fox Network Juck Zhang Yangxilang Network Now E Wang Yan and Cao Guowei Network E Ding Lei 4 Wang Juntao arima Yun and so on
Some have friendship, and some can come even though they have no friendship.
Although Chen Bo has made many enemies in the industry, he has rarely had the opportunity to meet and communicate with his peers. Most of them are single-line communication.
But how big the Internet is, and most of these executives are familiar with it. His appearance is more like a slippery and aggressive catfish, and anyone who touches it has to guard against being bitten.
Although he may be worse in terms of appeal, Huaxia Mobile is also bigger than him. On June 26, there will be not only elites in the I world, but also media from all walks of life who have come to call Pangu Administration Department to consult the interview process.
Now Huaxia Mobile has indeed said that it will lower the threshold of SMS value-added industry, so it might as well take this opportunity to pull Mobile together and announce that everyone has money to earn together. If it is a backwater Internet, Pangu’s whole industry will not be alone for too long.
Only when the whole industry is profitable and developed can it reflect the value of ant search and Tencent qq brand.
The theme of this party is "sharing and win-win". Since the horse needs a line, it needs more help from peers. Otherwise, who will make money from a search engine? Most of the wool is out of the same trade.
The network is closed, so who will buy your traffic? The internet is a fish pond, then other nets are fish, ants and penguins are the fishing, and China Mobile and China Unicom are the bait.
Even 3721 Chinese search Baidu Yahoo has been invited. Chen Bo is eager that they won’t come. At that time, the scene will definitely be a little embarrassed. It’s all about searching. You suddenly jumped out and killed yourself. No, you said face or not.
"Does Mr. Chen’s online game company need an invitation?"
Zhou Botao sent out some unimportant emails and letters, and then reorganized the list. It seems that he invited all the guests except the online game company, and even Suning Zhang Jindong was invited to list.
"Well, Wanwang Company invited one. What other companies do online games?"
The development speed of online games is obviously much slower than that of online games. Chen Bo is not a game enthusiast, and there are no games with high playability now.
"Taidao Daewoo has set up a research and development center in China, and a Shanghai Shanda Network Company has just announced that it has represented Korean games. I think they should have a greater demand for publicity channels when they are officially running, and our search platform is just right for them to promote."
"What? Grand agent! !”
Chen Bo was shocked and annoyed by punching his desk! How did D forget this crop?
Even if he is a rookie who doesn’t like playing games very much, he often went to Internet cafes to brush all night and organized a delegation to Sabac to attack the city on weekends. The spectacular scene is still vivid today.
At the end of the public beta, it can attract up to 40 thousand people, and at the same time, online game level 7 must be recharged by the second to play.
It can be said that if there is no wonder, there can be no later game. Shanda Network once wanted to buy the door network Xilang, but at that time Xilang was already a strong player in the industry, which is not comparable to today.
At the same time, it also created Chen Tianqiao, the richest man in the country for several years.
"It has been announced for several days." Zhou Botao adjusted her nose glasses to confirm the reliability of the news.
"Ok, you can send an email. Besides, it’s important for General Manager Teng Xun to come to my place."
There’s nothing Chen Bo can do about it. You can’t snatch food from the tiger’s mouth, can you? Take money to smash Shanda? That’s unrealistic, even if you want to buy Qi Korea, the granter can’t do it now.
The baseball game manufacturing industry has gradually distanced itself from Chinese game manufacturers.
Marten hastily rushed to Chen Bo’s office and asked, "What happened? In such a hurry? "
"It’s no big deal, Marco. You sit down first and I’ll tell you more."
Chen Bo stubbed out the cigarette in his hand. Just after Mark came over, he smoked several cigarettes in succession.
"Tengxun cable industry is doing very well now, but I think it will be exhausted in the future. I want to discuss with you the problem of a new project in Ma."
"New projects? What project is in such a hurry? "
"Online games!"
"Online games? None of us understand this. Why should we do online games? "
"The flow is realized! At present, the advertising industry is a drop in the bucket, even if it is not bad, the line industry can progress so smoothly because we have Tengxun qq, a traffic tool, and online games are generally closed, which can be realized more quickly. Social and economic development will also stimulate the game entertainment market, and the threshold of SMS sp will be lower and lower. Then the profit will be lower year by year, and there must be new profit points to take over. "
"But this and Tengxun’s production positioning are more in line with the plan?"
Marten still trusts Chen Bo. Simply talking about the market prospect of online games will know that it is profitable.
Chapter 59 To live in Tutsi Mountain
"My idea is that Tengxun is a game platform with strong traffic support, so it can represent that it is difficult for a company to make a game unprofitable. Of course, if it is fat, we will start with casual games first. I plan to integrate the network game platform into Tengxun to form a qq leisure game hall. Tengxun games mainly operate large-scale end games."
"Tengxun Reality has no problem in operating chess and card casual games, but large-scale end-games still need to be explored."
"You and Qiu Bojun seem good, don’t you?"
"At that time, I acted as an agent to operate Huiduo Net Pengcheng. He and Ding Lei are both regular customers in Mali. You should not play Jinshan, right?"
Mark realized that he was proud of his glorious history. At that time, bbs friends were now a portal e and a control software of Jinshan.
"That’s right, it’s the Xishan residence workshop. What do you think?"
Xishanju asked Bojun to build a game workshop, which can be said to be an old-fashioned game workshop in China. In the middle of the ninth generation, stand-alone games were released, especially when Jian Xian sold 12 CDs in that year, and China sold 30 thousand copies. This record has been broken today.
Moreover, Xishanju is located in Pengcheng, Hengqin City, Lingnan, which belongs to the two ends of the Pearl River estuary, and the Pearl River Delta, which is connected with Yangcheng Port, is distributed in a zigzag manner.
"I’m afraid I won’t let go. After all, he brought it out."
"If the other party is willing to talk, there will always be a chance. When he comes, you should explore the bottom first. I don’t think he has anything to talk about except wps."
Chen Bo has a good idea. It’s strange that we won’t get any benefits, but we can try to dig up the golden hill.
Large-scale role-playing games need time and technology to precipitate, and if you want to get faster results, you can also rely on acquisition, while chess and card casual games are the first step to enter the game field. Skynet, a game platform, is tepid and its operating foundation is much lower than Lianzhong Game Hall.
People move living trees and die. Giving this project to Tengxun to operate may be able to revitalize it with a strong group.
Network E Odyssey also made Dante Ray’s personality will never let go easily. Now I regret that Yangcheng didn’t ask him for some benefits, but even if the strange hand of Odyssey ended up with a fiasco, he launched the classic game Odyssey 2.
Even a broken boat can drive a few catties. It was careless of the ancients to deceive me or not.
Pengcheng is busy preparing for this Internet industry event, and the news that Yanjing is far away has also come to cheer up the Internet industry.
Lenovo finally reached an agreement with al Group of the United States through arduous negotiations, and each invested 100 million dollars to form a new company to operate f365.

By adminq