This is the trap of antonidas, who is old and refined. If Duke wants to repay, it is definitely not a big deal, which also proves that Duke is not sincere enough.
Duke waved his hand. "It doesn’t matter what I return. What matters is that I show you something."
Duke took out a magic device to imprison the soul.
After reading the information in the soul quickly, antonidas’s face suddenly changed color. "She is not who. This may also be a false accusation."
"I don’t happen to know who he is." Duke took a deep breath. "I’m sorry. I have a gift for detecting evil. When I first met Medivh, I found a powerful demon possessed by Medivh. At that time, I kept silent because I had no evidence. Even if I said it, no one would believe me."
Antonidas was silent.
Duke vs. Medivh, he also knows quite well why so many people found out that Medivh was possessed by others. Duke found out that this is a mystery that has never been solved.
Now Duke solemnly tells him that everything he says is true, which makes antonidas have a bad feeling.
"In fact, I took the opportunity to visit some Dalaran high-level wizards before I came, and I finally found my goal …"
Antonidas is already covered with frost. "Duke Marcus, do you know what you said?"
"I know exactly what I’m talking about. I’d like to invite Archbishop Alonso Fao of the Holy Light to come here. He will give me the evidence against me, but before that, I strongly suggest that you contact the Speaker of Parliament of Krasus and Kael’thas first. You are really strong, but even you can’t guarantee to keep him."
On February 12th, the Speaker of kirin tor, antonidas, recalled all the reserve members of kirin tor.
"It is necessary for us to discuss an arrangement again for the upcoming orc war."
It’s a natural reason
No one doubts that there will be any moths.
However, when all the members arrived at the magic meeting room suspended in Dalaran City, they suddenly found that the situation was a little subtle. The six-member parliament was already the highest decision maker, and there would be no back members’ affairs unless it was a matter of life and death in Dalaran or a change of parliament.
This time, three backbenchers took seats in the gallery.
Everyone arrived. The arrival of Archbishop Alonso, Union Deputy Commander Duke and Paladin Wu Seer filled the meeting room with a sense of foreboding.
Antonidas’s magic circuit is surging, and the magic overflows outside the body. The temperature of the whole conference hall is suddenly 1 degree lower.
The wizard, who looks very old, slammed his hands on the magic table in front of him and made a loud bang.
"First of all, please take off your masks. I am the Speaker of antonidas-I don’t need this thing today."
Although I don’t know what this is, I shouldn’t lift the magic mask in front of outsiders, but we still did it. Three alternate members, two men and one woman, were strangers to Duke.
Antonidas walked with a desktop and exuded momentum like a mountain tiger.
His voice shocked the field. "There is a traitor among us! Collaborate with the devil traitor! "
There was a sudden outcry.
"The devil! ?” Along with Kael’thas, several people were shocked to get up on the spot.
Damn it! There is a traitor who colludes with the devil in the parliament of kirin tor! ? to be continued
Chapter 293 Punish you on behalf of the holy light (35 monthly pass)
We should know the purpose of "fighting evil and preventing the mage from overcasting spells". All the members in the parliament of Rifa are selected from the parliament of silver moon and the parliament of kirin tor. It can be said that these two parliaments are fighting evil and Depth Charge is a just camp.
Now antonidas has publicly announced that there are people in Kentory who collude with the devil! Everyone’s first reaction is impossible!
For a second, everyone’s reaction was … It could really be true. If it weren’t for fighting against demon Mao, would the Archbishop of Light and the paladin leader be invited specially?
"That’s enough! Let the facts tell the truth! " Antonidas’s anger must be calmed down a little. He turned to the Archbishop of Light, "Archbishop Fao, please."
Fao does not shirk that "eliminating evil is one of our lifelong dreams"
He Wu Seer protected towering into the parliament hall and saw his hands folded. Suddenly, a dazzling [sacred star] rose from the archbishop’s hands, and the sacred light flashed across the parliament hall.
However, after one second, after two seconds … after ten seconds, nothing happened.
No demon screams, no evil energy, nothing.
Archbishop Alonso and Wu Seer are both a little startled. They came here specially to prepare for subduing the demon after being told by Duke and antonidas. Now there is nothing! ?
A drop of cold sweat flowed from antonidas’s forehead, and he couldn’t help looking at Duke. It was based on Duke’s exposure of Sargeras’ possession of Medivh that antonidas made a near-conditional letter to Duke, saying that there was a demon, but he couldn’t find it out. Isn’t that a shame?
Duke deserve to die, but that dignity of his speaker will be greatly weaken.
For a moment, antonidas almost turned from trust to hatred for Duke.
At this time, Duke slowly stood up and said, "There is no doubt that the devil is among us. I want to tell you through this matter that the times have improved and our old enemy, the devil, has also improved. Ten thousand years ago, would everyone think that the demon king condescended to possess a human guardian?"
The body qi qi a shock.
It’s true that Medivh cheated the whole mankind, and everyone was a little unhappy with Duke’s statement, but it made everyone more vigilant
Duke once again said "curse! A new form of evil power does not die! An inanimate form that we have never seen before. The appearance of these two things is exactly what we should guard against. When the demon test technique is no longer effective, please ask Archbishop Fao to study a new detection method. "
Fao nodded in agreement even before Duke proved that he was wrong and thoughtful and never lacked a sense of justice.
"There are very few absolute justice or absolute evil in people’s minds, and the devil has benefited from this. To hide from the detection of the holy light and reach the goal of lurking among human beings, continue to broadcast the belief of evil and immortality. Archbishop, you should add the holy light to the spiritual shock …"
Faao’s palm suddenly turned, and the fluctuation of light spread from the whole hall again.
This time, at last, a member of parliament bent painfully.
"Ah-ah-"Kel ‘Thuzad’s poker face cracked inch by inch, revealing the pale and lifeless skin with normal complexion.
Even though antonidas knew the answer from Duke early in the morning, he was still shocked and speechless when he really witnessed this scene.
Kel’ Thuzad was already ready. King Kael’thas and Krasus immediately pulled the shield one by one, and together they shot out more than 100 renju fireballs to smash Kel’ Thuzad’s magic shield into pieces.
At the same time, Wu Seer was shot
The most powerful paladin in history raised his hand as a "sacred punishment", which broke through Kel ‘Thuzad’s magical protection and directly impacted his evil soul.
A burst of dizziness.
Kel ‘Thuzad didn’t even summon him, and the evil creature was hammered into his face by the fierce Wu Seer.
Like a baseball fly ball Kel ‘Thuzad’s sacred hammer bombards the whole flight.
It’s a pity that he didn’t fly far. He just rose to more than one meter high and was bounced back by an ice wall blocking his back.
That was antonidas’s shot
Caught off guard, I was mentally calculated and a few people were not inferior to him. His strength was far away, and he joined forces with antonidas.
Kel ‘Thuzad, the most powerful thug of the Lich throne, is now as strong as a little girl molested by several strong men.
Being hammered to the forehead by Wu Seer, the body was continuously sealed by Krasus and Kael’thas for N times.
At this moment, Kel ‘Thuzad is no different from a skeleton soldier.
He also knows that he must be finished, and he has put everything away.
"what! ? What Duke Marcus, you will know that I gave up my life to pursue eternity? It was only last week that I transformed myself into a lich form. Even the female demon didn’t know that I fucked her like this. I am a depraved soul! What? Tell me! What! ?”
Duke gently pointed to his eyes. "Just as I saw through Sargeras’ possession of Medivh, I also saw through you. I have a pair of eyes that can see through the souls corrupted by demons."
All the dust settled and antonidas went ahead.
"Kel ‘Thuzad … I have always been very optimistic about your talent. If it wasn’t for me, I wouldn’t agree to let you become a member of kirin tor. I warned you Kel ‘Thuzad! Don’t do those taboo telepathy again. How do you do it? You promised me on the surface, but you still secretly carried out your psychic experiment. When Duke told me, I thought it was you for the first time, but I didn’t believe it until the moment when the truth was revealed … "
Antonidas’s shoulders heaved rapidly. He turned his head, and there was a sadness in his eyes. He looked at Fao, Wu Seer and Duke. "I’m sorry that this happened in the parliament of kirin tor in Dalaran. I’m deeply sorry. Dalaran also hopes to keep it a secret. Kel ‘Thuzad, we will handle it and give you a satisfactory answer. It’s time for the parliament of kirin tor …" To be continued.
Chapter 294 Seal (36 Monthly Pass)
Kel ‘Thuzad, a cancer in the latent human camp.
Duke has been trying to get rid of him for a long time, but there is no evidence!
I’m a member of the six-member parliament of kirin tor. This status alone is a dead gold medal. It’s almost the same as the storm kingdom Anduin or Bolvar. Killing him casually, let alone whether it can kill him, is really killing Dalaran.
Dalaran is furious, so forget the Arihoshi League.
It is reasonable to dig a big pit to bury this kind of cow.

By adminq