Suddenly, the bugs flew to attack the intruders. After a rest, the Phantom of the Opera energy system has returned to normal. Harley’s precision cannon light is blocked to prevent these bugs from getting near.
The other three star cruises can’t do Harley’s fire extension at this level. The 300 worm people were indeed as Lin momo said, and some people were killed before they rushed to the crowd.
Lin momo released some toxins at random and turned his attention to his direction. If the 300-person worm just charged to attract fire, then be careful of the successful cause of the Zerg wise man.
Insect people resist the cannon light and come near the international four ships. Two figures come too fast. "Bang" a palm presses the phantom of the opera energy shield.
"Straight …" The energy shield is like a deflated ball that deflates and disappears.
Lin momo was frightened to disgrace. Two tall insect people joined forces to strike and offset the energy shield. They have never encountered such a thing. How did they do it?
"Mao Mao Mao" The two tall worm people kept patting the Phantom of the Opera, trying to smash the hull, but they were disappointed that the silver brilliance of the hull protected Enron and several big handprints appeared on the armor plate.
"Penn flowers and fireflies sting" Lin momo slightly read the boat people already know that if you want to do the immediate way, Payne will take the lead.
These two tall insect people have strong attack power, even if they are not at the top, they will be even more destructive after joining hands. Even if the energy shield needs to be trimmed after repeated blows, it will not be taken off with a few hands. If it cannot stop them, the Phantom of the Opera will be dangerous.
It can be seen that the Zerg are extremely afraid of the Phantom of the Opera, or the two tall worms behind them are coming for the Phantom of the Opera, and more than three ships have almost become bystanders.
Payne was ordered to turn over from the deck, and the body was still in the middle, so he quickly pulled the trigger and shot a few Guanghua straight to two tall worms.
"Shout" a mass of white light catch Payne before the two tall worm people reaction has been quickly removed.
At first, the bodies of two tall insect people were bright to resist the piercing shot of the flower firefly, which had the power of medium-energy blasting. Pigarin momo deliberately mixed in a few purple poisonous mines, and the lethality was quite good
In order to make these stingers, Lin momo scrapped more than a hundred flower stingers. You know, there are only a few hundred flower stingers in total, and the yield is less than 5%
Two tall insect people were slightly shaking, and toxic blasting ate a little bit of dark loss. However, their strength was extremely strong and they didn’t look at that toxin.
"Give me a move, feather and drift!" Lin momo certainly won’t lay down and die while Payne gets a moment to launch a D-class ship lighter.
Phantom of the opera, strength, after all, a lot of high pressure around all worm people are too much for the ship’s shadow to appear seven hundred meters away.
The Phantom of the Opera narrowly escaped from the tight encirclement and opened a certain distance. After Harley’s outburst, the fierce cannon light blasted at the two insect people, so that they did not have room for counterattack.
Mohammed heart in horror heart andao "phantom of the opera hull was so strong and this state is C-class, I’m afraid no one believes that there is a possibility that when D-class rose to C-class, the overall strength of the universe was raised, but this situation is rare. Maybe those first galactic chaebol can do it but can’t guarantee that every star cruise ship is like this. What is the position of Lin momo? It’s really confusing. "
The battlefield is inconvenient and distracting, and the Koran energy shield has also been shattered. Mohammed is even more afraid of these two suddenly appeared tall worms, so the strongest firepower broke out.
Two tall worm people slowly advance with cannon light. Lin momo releases active corrosive agents, which is good even if it can’t kill the two worm people and add some trouble.
I also have to say that Harley’s gun attack is complete. Once the target is locked, the other party will never escape.
Gradually, the bodies of the two worms became blackened, and the diamond scales fell off a little bit, and the purple poison mine showed its effect. Their pace became slower and slower.
"Ow …"
A tall worm roared in the sky, then his body blocked the cannon light and acted as a shield, while another tall worm charged forward with his companion’s body for more than ten seconds, and then the worm jumped to the Phantom of the Opera deck 3.
Volume 6 record! Strange insect list Chapter 353 Yan Jia
The force crew members except Su Baba and Da Damon all froze. It’s obvious to all how strong the fighting power of this tall worm is. Even the energy shield was breached by him, wasn’t it for nothing?
It’s the first time to face such a battle. To be honest, most Li crew members are timid, and Su Baba and Da Damon have commendable courage. Two poles flashed Yin Hui spears and shuttled away.
The "bursts" spear worm draws a small wound on the human body surface, and the tall worm can’t help but take two steps backwards, which makes the crew of the force family feel a little relieved.
Real tall worm people are in such a mess because Harley’s gun light has been superimposed a hundred times and its power is poor.
Phantom of the Opera gun light hidden in the knife lethality amazing? Unconsciously, it has affected the body of the worm, even if another worm sacrifices his companion to resist the attack and wants to get on the deck unscathed.
In addition, the tall worm is not as powerful as expected. It is through special methods that the strength is increased, and then it is exhausted. The initial attack does not destroy the hull, so the subsequent attack power will gradually decrease.
The deck suddenly became quiet, and the tall worm man looked at the arm wound and was extremely angry. He had not yet lost his human feelings, and it was very uncomfortable to see his "comrades-in-arms" sacrifice themselves. Since there are so many enemies on the deck to vent, why bother? Immediately raised his hand and patted it forward.
"Bang" the shock wave deck bloomed with tall worms, and "Teng, Teng, Teng" retreated three steps to stabilize himself and looked at the front in confusion.
I saw a weirdo lying on the deck. The weirdo spit out a pale blue tongue with a light worm pattern on his face and a black luster on his pointed nails. Behind his ass was a gray bone tail that looked like a thin lizard.
The tall worm is very strange. Why does this "half-worm" stop him? The other body exudes a complex zerg breath and faintly feels the threat, which is not strong.
"Ow!" The tall worm man opened his mouth and gave an avalanche of roars. No matter whether it is a creature, since it dares to block the front, there is still destruction left.
Weirdo is naturally God bless Lin momo. At present, it can be simply driven by the method of God bless you. It is a pity that the progress of taming flower fireflies is always slow, otherwise it is easy for flower fireflies to cope with the present situation.
"Bang, bang, bang" The tall worm man God bless his fists and palms and attack each other. Ran Ran rose on the deck and blew a strong wind to keep his crew steady.
Yan Shuang hides in the corner and looks at Jun Tianyou. I have heard about Jun Tianyou’s experience, but I don’t know that it has become so severe. The level of half-worm people is even about ten levels. It is even more difficult to control each other after adding such power to Lin momo’s side with a madness that is stronger than her.
The force crew raised the decomposition ray gun and attacked the ship. Some worm people crossed the gun light and killed them near Harley. More than half of the 300 worm people were killed by him, and Zeus and Koran also helped. The battlefield was still alive, with less than 40 worm people and injuries.
A series of decomposition rays scattered force crew guarding the deck. At this time, Connor walked behind the deck, Cui Hetang, Lilith Payne also rode Yun Yunfei back, and the number of people was superior, and the Phantom of the Opera gave the crew excellent weapons and equipment. Those ordinary bugs were not afraid.
"Rod attention! Something came over. "Lin momo spoke to wake up the Phantom of the Opera, and now the ship is fighting. He can’t tell the energy to deal with his enemy. Once there is danger, Zeus will come forward to block a block.
"Know the boss, you can stay assured that" Roderick quickly drove the boat in front of the Phantom of the Opera to extinguish those bugs. It’s a matter of time. There can be no changes at this point.
It’s a group of bile worms. These bile worms are a little different. Each of them is tall and powerful, especially when the stars hold the moon and generally carry a human big bed with a jade one or two meters long.
This jadeite gall worm looks very beautiful. The 200-crystal gall worm hits the crowd at the same speed.
"Stop them. This is the Zerg Wise Man." Lin Sisuo ordered the cannon light to cover the swarm for a short time.
"It seems that the Zerg wise man will take the opportunity to escape, but it is better to retreat quietly from the hidden wormway. No one can hold it. Why is it so unwise?" Lin momo suspicious more carefully observed in my heart.
The fighting continued, and two members of the Li crew were seriously injured. Payne immediately rescued them. It doesn’t matter if they were injured. The captain is a powerful pharmacist, but if they lose their lives, they won’t get mixed up.
This kind of fighting often leads to heavy casualties. People are desperate and willing to die together. But what is the boundary of Phantom of the Opera? She is Lin momo’s private territory, a blue-blooded meteorite area. If people want to run wild, they must first face the suppression of magnetic field and then Galindo’s extraordinary spiritual strength. The fighting capacity of the people is weakened by 20% to 50%, and the crew of Phantom of the Opera takes advantage of it.
"Booming" Jun Tianyou launched an onslaught, followed by a circle of magneto-optical around, and the personal pressure of the tall worm multiplied several times.
God bless you, there is a killing fist in your eyes. It hits the tall worm like rain. After the attack, you turn around and shake the bone tail.
A flash of light flashed across the neck of the tall worm and spewed black blood, eventually losing the ability to act.
At this time, two hundred crystal bile worms suddenly rushed out and rushed to the entrance. Mohammed saw that the emerald bile worms were unusual. If they attacked, they would certainly gain no less than the Koran, and they would defend the entrance and storm.
It is interesting that Roderick stood by and stopped doing anything against these crystal gall worms, but flew forward.
"Oh, no!" Muhammad’s eyes were wide open and the light easily destroyed the crystal bile worms, including the central big bed, and the emerald bile worms fell into the dust. It seems that they can’t die any more.
"What’s going on? Captain Lin, can you give me an explanation? " Mohammed inexplicably cried, but the Phantom of the Opera has destroyed the worm, and people are marching in.
Lin momo breathed a sigh of relief. The emerald bile worm is indeed a zerg wise man. It can be inferred from its brain structure that this worm has been dead for many years.
If the emerald gall bladder worm is still alive, it is far from being so easy to crack. The glass tower worm tower should be transported according to the will of the emerald gall bladder worm before its death. The life energy of the last 200 crystal gall bladder worm is extremely fragile. I don’t know why I want to solve the mystery like this. I’m afraid I have to do detailed exploration.
"Look, it’s a female worm." The charm pointed to the screen and looked out from it. There was a gorgeous "long snake" crawling at the bottom of the tower.
The female worm of this gall bladder worm is bony, and no female worm should be dignified, and its life energy is extremely weak.
Momo Lin thought for a moment and smiled and said, "Rod will come to see you. Pull all the fighting lights to the bottom of the tower. Pay attention to the movement of the Koran. Don’t let Mohammed and Hugo unite to make small moves. Call the Zun Bug Tower and let’s see how much we have gained."
Counting the battle profits is Roderick’s favorite thing to do. Take the Koran and Shakespeare into the wormway at once. There are still some residual bile worms in some places, but the three ships are still in good condition.
Lin momo withdrew from the manipulation of the magnetic field, so it’s strange that the female bile worm should be explored in detail, and maybe it can be collected.
"Boss, take me!" Connor saw Lin momo walk out of the cabin and knew that there was a bright side. He also saw the deer horn worm in the small cage in his hand. If he could add a place for the mother worm, he would be the worm master.
"Call a few brothers may be dangerous" Lin momo said tight tight clothes raise my hand and sent metal.
"Whoosh, whoosh …"
Payne Cui Hutang Su Baba Connor felt it huge as Lin momo fell to the mother insect and observed it nearby.
Lin momo looked at her eyebrows for a while, then put her palm on her forehead and soon found that she was dying.
Lin momo thinks it’s a pity that we should pay attention to "chance" when collecting female worms. It must be those females who have been enslaved and oppressed for a long time. Because of their resistance and being used to listening to them, they have no clever thinking. The concept of ethnic group is just a fertility tool, and there is another way to get female worms. That is, by luck, finding female eggs and taming them subtly from the larval age is more faithful and reliable.
Actually, compared with the size imagined by Zerg, it is always the tip of the iceberg that the worm master can transport it.

By adminq