Shallow water around Qing Dynasty has developed rapidly from thousands of people to tens of thousands of people, all the way to Heaven City.
The army is everywhere, and the cities and towns take the initiative to offer the city shallow water and clear it. The invincible fame dares to touch its edge, and the soldiers are afraid of its strength, and the shallow water and clear it all the way.
At the same time, the storm legion, the Yukikaze legion, the eagle-flying legion, the Xianglong legion, the water-stopping legion and other main armies of the heavenly wind all responded to the call of the shallow water to play the banner of "the bad king’s heartless conquest" and launched a counterattack in various places
In just a few days, Cang Lan had reached the end of the road under imperial rule.
The end of chapter ninety-three (finale)
? A series of events made this year the most turbulent year in the history of Guanlan University 6. Update the latest chapter * Read online.
The forces of all parties have changed frequently, and victories and failures have been intertwined. All kinds of shocking news have come in, and all of them add up to nothing but shallow water and rebellion.
Since the beginning of the day, the shallow water of Xuelian Mountain has openly raised the banner of conquering the bad king. At this time, it is less than half a year since Canglan succeeded to the throne.
However, in this short period of six months, Cang Lan has lost everything he can lose.
It was at that time that the generals learned nothing about shallow water and wanted to be bound by themselves.
Throughout the ages, national affairs have always required a sense of honor and fame.
Even if Brigitte Qing said bluntly that she wanted to rebel when threatening the generals of the legions, she could just talk to those senior generals.
In the face of the wind, it is impossible for imperial soldiers to rebel under the pretext that they may be harmed. It is not feasible to say that you may kill me and I will rebel on the grounds that there is no charge.
In fact, it is not appropriate to say that Canglan killed his father and usurped the throne, let alone to accuse Canglan of such a thing, so there is no evidence, even if there is evidence. People always think that their own vital interests are more important than others. It doesn’t matter what he will do after he takes office. This is the most important thing.
People are sometimes short-sighted, and no one wants to risk decapitation to rebel if they want to get by.
Although the Tianfeng Empire has gone through a hundred years, the five emperors are still ruled by Britain, and the people with strong national strength live a healthy life. Naturally, they are grateful and unwilling to rebel. Although Tianfeng soldiers worship shallow water and clear water, it also takes a psychological adaptation process to do rebellious things.
In this case, the new monarch immediately rebelled when he succeeded to the throne, even if his prestige was high, because his teacher was famous, it would certainly not convince all the soldiers and the people, and it would also arouse the strong rebound of the loyalist conservatives. Even if he won by relying on his own military ability, it would definitely hurt the country’s vitality, which was definitely not conducive to future rule. Once, Zhu Di, the prince of Yan, faced several local rebellions when he succeeded, and was forced to fight for four conveniences, which was the best precedent. This was even worse for his emperor.
I know the importance of lineage in the rule of the old world. It is not difficult for him to win the country if he only relies on his prestige and strong military power, but it is almost impossible to win it if he wants to rule smoothly in the future. Almost everyone in history has encountered this situation. Wang Mang, Wu Zetian and Zhu Di, which one is not? If the shallow water is clear, it will lead to chaos and banditry in the middle of the country, and the people will suffer. In the end, the country will wither and the empire will split again.
He is shallow and honest, but he is heartless and faithless in the war against the enemy, but that is because his heart will be different from ours. It is right and cruel to be kind to the enemy and cruel to govern his subjects in the future. If so, it is true that he has no regard for the overall situation.
He didn’t want to let himself go this far. He didn’t want future generations to judge the rebels and thieves who stole the country. He didn’t want the great country to be destroyed by himself.
Therefore, in this case, the shallow water Qing decisively gave up the handle and was tossed around by Canglan. Although the risk was great, it could die at any time, but from a political point of view, it was extremely successful. Canglan completely exposed his true colors, which led to the alienation of the ministers of the country and the people.
"The imperial court foolishly framed Zhongliang, the new monarch’s virtue, humiliated the country, humiliated the loyal minister, and humiliated the country. Soldiers defended the country and fought to push the shallow commander to revive the majestic style." This rebellion reason is definitely more eloquent than "the new monarch’s father usurped the throne and led his troops to rebel."
This shows that being forced to take the initiative to rebel has a completely different nature.
Therefore, Cang Lan must be proud for a while, and everything will follow after he makes a mess of things and finally becomes a mutiny because of the persecution of Shallow Water Qing.
Although it is the same thing, things are reversed, and the nature is completely different. Being forced to fight back as a victim will always have many advantages over taking the initiative as a victim.
What’s more, only in this way can Canglan be vigilant and relax. Only when Yun Ni and others are escorted by him to rescue his family, Su Yun and others will have a mobile phone meeting.
Only two months after Xuelian Mountain started to fight, the troops of shallow water clearing were almost swept across the flags everywhere, and everyone dared to look back on them. All the troops belonging to Tianfeng Empire and Canglan eventually belonged to the army of shallow water clearing, and they took the title of being forced to resist. With Canglan, they were forced to betray their country and be ashamed to do things in shallow water, and they became "just teachers of hanging people’s crimes", which best reflected that this title would not have much military significance, but it would have a decisive impact on the future imperial rule. It could weaken the rebellious will of local subjects to the greatest extent and maintain the political stability of Tianfeng Empire to the greatest extent
It’s the Cangjia royal family, not the people, who are unlucky here.
Every day, the windy army came to the outside of heaven. At this time, the shallow water and the clear people gathered together, and there were almost a million people.
The soldiers guarding the city of Heaven beat the gate of Heaven privately and marched in with a large army. Except for a few defenders in the snow palace who were still fighting to the death, they encountered few obstacles.
Emperor Canglan of Tianfeng VI was forced to kneel in shallow water in this situation.
The empire, which has always been invincible, ended its rule in such a most unexpected way.
However, to everyone’s surprise, it was shallow water that didn’t kill Cang Lan, but he was forbidden to leave the palace from now on.
After that, the shallow water and the clear surface controlled the wind, and the military power reached its peak, but the shallow water and the clear surface did not sit on the throne. Instead, he made a series of political decisions.
First, the crime of Canglan was announced, and the crime of murdering his biological father and killing his own brother was revealed. Then, regardless of the dissuasion of the ministers and soldiers, Cangmin was forced to push the title of Tianfeng Queen Tianfeng Empire to remain unchanged, and the shallow water and Qing people were responsible for the Regent.
The queen’s appearance can be said to be another good move in shallow water, which greatly weakened his crime of trying to seize the sky. This trip further ensured the stability of the empire, and made the opposition forces from all sides take up the war on the pretext of their own high military prestige. The imperial rebellion was completed without a stir, which was a miracle in later generations and became the most successful rebellion in history.
The Qing dynasty in shallow water took charge of the national government as regent and re-formulated the national policy.
First of all, it is announced that a series of political decisions made before Canglan are all valid. The Cross Slope Agreement will continue to be implemented, and the Red Wind Wan will rule Fengqiu as a queen. This move will gain the West China Empire more, greater and higher power in the hands of the Tianfeng Empire in shallow water and clear water. Even if Grunt can face the enemy who can freely mobilize all forces, it is the best decision for both sides to maintain the front meeting at this moment.
Later, Shallow Water Qing declared that the northern independent territory belonged to Tianfeng Empire. Because this land was obtained by Tianfeng Empire from Xifu, if the northern independent territory wants to get it back, it should go to Xifu. If the northern independent territory doesn’t accept this proposal, Tianfeng Empire doesn’t mind the first world war.
This time, although the northern independent leaders are angry, they can’t do anything about it in the face of the powerful empire. Despite the fierce protests, they scold their people every day, but they really dare not take military action
Without suffering from shallow water, you don’t have to be forced to show weakness abroad like other conspirators. On the contrary, at the beginning of his reign, he showed a prehistoric example of toughness, which became another great weight for him to win the hearts of the people.
Immediately afterwards, Shallow Water Qing made a decision on the territory of St. Will. From now on, the United Kingdom of St. Will be in charge of the Kingdom of Barja, and the Tianlong Imperial Xianglong Corps will continue to be stationed there in the name of "coordinated defense", but it will not affect the political decision-making of the place. It will interfere in repairing the broken situation between the two countries before Canglan, and Shallow Water Qing made a special concession. The Xianglong Corps will no longer be responsible for St. Will, but will be in charge of the Tianfeng Imperial Land. At the same time, St. Will will put a holy corridor to strengthen the trade between the two countries.
Making concessions to St. Will in politics, maintaining the original proposal in military affairs, and plundering in economic exhibitions are shallow water and clear policies towards St. Will.
At the end of the same year, the shallow water and clear water suggested that the trap ruler continued to control the northern grassland and contain the western cockroaches.
Since then, while taking advantage of the cunning ruler to slow down the footsteps of the Western people, countries have been afraid of it, and at the same time, Shallow Water Qing has made a series of drastic reforms to the political structure of Tianfeng Empire
The former imperial prime minister, the calendar queen, said that she was old, and she requested the state to retire and return to her hometown. Regent Shallow Water Qing approved and transferred the new prime minister of Chu Xinlin’s empire. Because Chu Xinlin was born to stop water, this move greatly eased the tension of shallow water Qing, and the hatred caused by killing was gradually alleviated in the new situation of long-term water-stopping meteorological reform. The idea of butcher’s road fighting in all directions and benevolent heart governing the sky is shallow water Qing.
In September of the same year, the queen Cang Min Yun Ni was born one day each. Cang Min Qian Shui Qing was named Cang Song Feng Tai Yun Ni Qian Shui Qing was named Lie You Lie Jia’s descendants You Zi to commemorate Qi Tianyou.
In October of the same year, the nightingale Yueqing gave birth to a girl and a girl, and they were named Princess Zhao Yuan, the king of Jiyang.
Tianfeng calendar Tianfeng emperor changed the system to cancel the water-stop corps. Tianfeng Empire still maintains five legions, but the organizational system remains unchanged. The Storm Corps is still the first main force. Tiexue Town is divided into an independent force from the Storm Corps. The number of troops is limited to 50,000, which is directly under the royal family and led by Tuoba Mountain.
The former coach of the Storm Corps went out of the shallow water by the emperor and the Regent continued to take this position, and the deputy coach Yun Feng danced.
Yun Lan Bi Qing bathed in blood, Tang Lian Shao, Su Yun, Lin Yue and others respectively named senior officers of various legions.
On the aspect of Jing Hong, Mo Ou is responsible for this move, which leads to the dissatisfaction of lonely and distant shadows.

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