I said to myself, you are no better than him, but I can’t say this, otherwise … He will really punish me.
"Send him back," I said.
Zou Chen came to my side and sat facing me with one hand on the sofa behind me. wait for a while looked at me. "What’s bothering you?"
I didn’t ask Xiao Liu to tell him about the photo in the afternoon. If he knew that he was being pushed around by that woman and took a lot of indecent photos, he would probably shoot the dead woman, and no one would die. I’d better not tell him about it yet, but the child thing is another matter.
I pouted and snorted and turned away from him.
He put my face back, frowning and ordering me to say "Say".
I slapped his hand and suddenly got up. He was a little shaky and almost fell down and was put into his arms by Zou Chen.
"Then let’s go back and talk." After that, he hugged me to get the bag.
I was powerless and I couldn’t earn money. When he saw that he was going to take me out of my bag, I quickly said, "Let someone send Gu Yisheng back. Don’t let him lie there alone."
"Why do you care so much about him? What can happen to a big man?"
I pulled him away with a worried face and said, "What if there is a nymphomaniac or … what did he do?" Han Yu just took so many disgusting photos while he was drinking, and I don’t know how much tofu he ate. I was angry when I thought about it.
"Then what?" Zou Chen laughed scornfully. "Are you still afraid that if he is strong, he will not achieve what he is doing now?"
Zou Chen took advantage of my absence and picked me up and walked out.
I dreamt that the man of God had been carried into the ladder by him. "Zou Chen …"
Some guy just carried me to the car.
I turned my back and looked out of the window without looking at him and ignoring him
Zou Chen got into the car and pulled my clothes. "What’s the matter with you?"
I shook his hand and said angrily, "I don’t want to talk to you."
Zou Chen smiled and started the car and asked, "Did you have dinner late?"
I still ignored him. Looking out the window, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, he narrowed, and he fell asleep. When he woke up, he was already in the big bedroom of the apartment, and the bedside lamp was dim.
I sat up and listened as if there was no movement outside, so I got up and found myself wearing pajamas. It should be Zou Chen who changed it for me. I picked up the thick robe cover and got out of the bedroom.
The light in the living room was on, and there was a smell of medicine in the kitchen. I went over and sure enough, the stove was cooking medicine, but I didn’t see Zou Chen.
I turned back to my bedroom and found my bag. When I took out my mobile phone from it, it was late at ten o’clock. Where would Zou Chen go so late? The fire was still boiling. I turned to his number and dialed it.
The bell rang several times before the other end answered it.
"Where are you?" My breath is a little uncomfortable.
"It’s time to go to your door." A male voice is a little breathless and seems to be walking quickly.
I hung up and said, "What are you doing out at night?" Frowning, I went to give him the door, the security door left unlocked the wooden door, so I went into the living room and found a hot kettle and poured myself a glass of water. I just came back after sitting in Zou Chen.
Section 17
I glanced at the thermos in his hand and asked, "Why did you go?"
Zou Chen opened the door and walked over with a thermos. "Pack you old duck soup to relieve hangover and warm your stomach." He put the thermos on the coffee table and then said with a straight face, "Do you dare to drink so much wine while drinking medicine now?"
It turned out to be to pack soup for me.
I ignored his cold face and beat the old duck with a strong smell. I suddenly became hungry.
Zou Chen grumpily slapped my head "to the table". Then he went into the kitchen, served three dishes and gave me a bowl of rice.
I sat at the table and drank a bowl of soup first, and then I ate more than half a bowl of rice, so I didn’t want to eat any more.
Zou Chen has been sitting there silently watching me eat and seeing me eat half a bowl of rice, frowning "finish the meal"
"I don’t want to eat when I’m full." I hung my eyelids and deliberately ignored him.
"Who said that spoiling food would be chopped by something?" A man blocked me with what I said.
I look uncomfortable with chopsticks and rice grains.
"After eating thin, there is almost no meat," he added leisurely.
I suddenly raised my eyes and glared at him. He didn’t feel angry and shouted, "I have no meat."
Zou Chen glanced at my chest and said, "Then the packet is also called meat."
Uh ….. He actually called me a small bag. Where am I small?
"Zou Chen, you are vulgar." He succeeded in angering me, so I left with chopsticks.
Zou Chen shouted with a smile, "Hey … so you’re angry? I didn’t say anything when you were drinking with Gu Yisheng. "  Happy new year, everyone! !
Chapter two hundred and forty-six I want to keep you in charge of you
Zou Chen shouted with a smile, "Hey … so you’re angry? I didn’t say anything when you were drinking with Gu Yisheng. "
I gritted my teeth and ignored him. When I entered the bedroom, I threw the door and climbed into bed, and went to sleep.
Thinking about Han Yu, the dead woman gave him medicine and almost ruined him. He still kept her by his side for so long and took her out to play, and my fire was boiling out.
After a while, I heard the door sink with the bed.
"Come on, don’t be angry. You are the most standard." Some man pulled me and looked at me cunningly. I wanted to hit him.
I turned my back on him.
"Tell me what’s bothering you. Who’s bothering you?" He took my hand.
I took his hand off.
"Come on, stop it. Take a shower first. It smells like alcohol." He coaxed softly.
"Don’t wash" I pouted

By adminq