"The earth is still turning as usual, and the sun is still rising, so our life will continue!" Nick Frey made a very philosophical remark and then asked Agent Hill to act immediately. "Dispatch people to move the equipment in the laboratory and load all the machines in the second stage and transport them away. Wait for my further instructions!"
Spider-Man’s problem is exactly what Agent Hill thought, but now that Nick’s order has been reached, she has to carry out the "yes, chief!"
Spider-Man looked at the capable agent Hill and rushed to the institute with two guards. He was puzzled and said, "It’s dangerous. The surface energy is releasing interference and radiation. Agent Hill and her hands may be hurt."
"For the time being, there is not much danger of low-energy gamma rays." Nick Frey had listened to the data reported by the monitoring center of the Dark Energy Research Institute when he was in the Black Hawk helicopter.
However, he kept this sentence in his heart and didn’t say it. It was a light reply to Spider-Man: "The implementation of SHIELD is always dangerous!"
"That’s too risky! The energy is reaching its peak!" Imil interjected that he didn’t want to send an extra agent Hill to the evil god Loki. Not all superheroes will be hacked in front of the psychic staff, and some of them may be hacked more than superheroes, including some people.
Nick Frey looked at the flash of light in Imil’s one eye and nodded. He picked up the phone from his hand and said, "Agent Barton, please answer."
Hawkeye Barton is shoulder to shoulder with the punisher and the evil spirit knight, looking at the sky with his mouth wide open. After receiving Nick’s instructions, he immediately rushed to the dark energy research institute, which has become dangerous.
"Barton White is on his way to support Hill."
Imil slapped him hard on the forehead, which was really unfair. He wanted to say that Nick Frey had lifted and transferred Agent Hill back. Unexpectedly, Nick not only sent Agent Hill to Loki, but also sent Barton, who had been blackened in his previous life.
This is the meat bag that beats the dog forever.
When Imil regretted it, Agent Hawkeye Barton Hill had already rushed into the Institute of Dark Energy.
Soon, the energy in the research institute suddenly broke through the peak-dark blue energy, and the speed of light was launched straight at the sky. "Bang" caused a huge thunderbolt in the dark clouds.
"It’s over. He’s coming." Imil slammed his cheek and laughed a little gloating. "Forget it, whether it’s the evil god Loki or any monsters, come on, let you join in and disturb the situation so that I can have a chance to win the tesseract, right!"
Imil measured in his mind that the Rubik’s Cube is better in the hands of the evil god Loki than in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. The potential power of S.H.I.E.L.D. is really terrible. Just because they are closely related, there are Iron Man Tony Stark, Thor and Hulk in The Avengers.
This is what Imil saw in his own past life. In this strange universe where superheroes from all walks of life share the marvel, God knows if there will be other heroes who choose to join.
For example, looking at Spider-Man Imil, a knight of evil spirits, I think that if Spider-Man’s personality knows that The Avengers is here, there is no reason to refuse to join.
But whether The Avengers will accept Spider-Man is another matter.
Imil’d like to rob before SHIELD to woo Spider-Man to his team. After all, the Watchers League with a church background is also a light of justice anyway!
A sullen Nick Frey didn’t say anything. Suddenly he looked at the night and said, "My God, what is that?"
Not to Imil’s surprise, a figure slowly fell from the sky in the glow of the night. There was no physical form, so the root did not touch the ground, but crossed the past and fell into the tesseract laboratory.
And the day after that figure appeared, the aurora slowly lost its energy, like a balloon, thousands of meters away from the ground, and with a muffled thunder, it exploded all over the sky and reappeared the original sunny night.
"Dang"-Spider-Man got the telescope from nowhere and dropped it. He looked at Imil with amazement. "I just thought I saw a man fall from the sky and smashed it into the soil?"
Not only did Spider-Man see the punisher, but also the agents and researchers who were busy evacuating near and far also saw these people who were obsessed with unsolved science. The researchers stopped and stopped, and everything was discussed in twos and threes.
This unreasonable phenomenon is that their favorite has become normal, and the night seems to have some kind of metaphysical knowledge hidden in it. All researchers have stretched their necks and looked up at the sky, waiting for the day when another living person will come to study one.
Fortunately, there was someone like Nick Frey who kept calm at all times. He first woke himself up and then forced the army soldiers to escort these valuable researchers out of the team.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-three Baal Loki
Just as everyone was relieved that the crisis had passed, Imil frowned tightly and looked at the Institute of Dark Energy, which was half of the ruins, waiting for the protagonist to appear.
Compared with the turmoil caused by the coming appearance, the previous battle can be regarded as a grand pary.
In the deepest part of the dark energy research institute, I studied the Rubik’s Cube 463 laboratory, and I hung my hands on six or seven living experimenters with solemn faces and blue eyes. Dr. Selvig was impressively listed.
Just in the middle of them, there was the original tesseract instrument, which flashed blue light, which was deeper than people could see clearly, while a passage was formed on the ground in front of the tesseract.
A drop of golden liquid at the end of the channel suddenly fell to the ground with a slight roar.
"Snapping"-the golden liquid spread around the platform, and the extremely fine golden lines were outlined by the liquid to form an extremely complicated and mysterious magic circle.
The magic circle is dotted with stars flashing with light blue light, which constitutes the star point where this magic circle key is located. The more and more stars flash, the more they flash, and the more they almost connect to replace the golden light of the original magic circle.
Then the whole dark energy research institute trembled, and the figure with the staff was led from the ceiling by the magic circle.
He fell to the ground, crouched down, and his forehead was covered with fine sweat. After a few painful breaths, he slowly looked up, his face was covered with evil spirits, and his smile seemed to be raging. After the magma cooled and solidified, the blue pupil turned and scanned an underground laboratory.
After he appeared, he had sneaked into the research room, and agents Hawkeye Barton and Hill could come out of the shadows with a sigh.
"Damn it," Agent Hill said in his mind, pulling a gun from his thigh and pointing it at the fallen figure. "Sir, no matter which world you come from, please put your weapon down at once!"
Slowly rising from the ground, the figure failed and looked at his own hands tightly clutching the staff of mind, and then looked puzzled. Agent Hill obviously denied that he should obey the orders of this tiny human being.
He raised his staff and waved it gently toward the place where Agent Hill landed. Suddenly, a blue laser came out of the staff and shot at Agent Hill.
"Look out!" Keep an eye on the figure. Hawkeye Barton reacted at the first time. He took a deep breath and rubbed his body to push Agent Hill away from the blue light attack.
The blue light hit a machine, and the tall machine seemed to be directly annihilated, leaving no trace in it.
Agent Hill was pinned down by Hawkeye Barton and looked at the place where the machine disappeared.
"You are still a little aura, we slaves. Maybe I should admit that sometimes there are a few particularly strong slaves," the figure said to himself in a hoarse voice.
Hawkeye Barton, who came in a hurry because of the battle of the former evil knight, can be described as an auxiliary armed force. He did not hesitate to bow and arrow and chose the most powerful arrow from his quiver to install "Really? If I were you, I wouldn’t be so arrogant!"
Looking at the calm faces of the researchers around, Agent Hill couldn’t help but speak and mobilize, "Dr. Selvig, please come here quickly. We will protect you!"
"No, no, no, listen to the eagle. Your weapon is pointed at the enemy." Did Dr. Selvig get close to Agent Hill? He planned to raise his head with a sacred face. "He is Loki, the evil drama god and Vulcan god in Norse mythology in Loki. We, our ancestors, worship the most important god."
I smiled slowly. This figure with a long pale blue hair and a strange appearance is full of an unattainable feeling. She nodded and slowly introduced herself. "Yes, I am from Loki, Asgard, and I am here with a glorious mission."
Hill, don’t try again. I feel that Dr. Selvig is completely under the control of this guy. If I have a head-on conflict with him later, you can find a chance to escape and find Frey and tell him everything.
Hawkeye Barton pulled the bow and arrow more fully and kept an eye on Loki while pressing the bass to the agent Hill behind him and said.
"Oh, my God, Loki, I’m here. We humans are far away from the protection of the gods." Agent Hill wondered if she heard Hawkeye Barton suggest that she was stupid to herself.
"No, the gods have never given up on their followers," said Loki, taking a few steps forward with great pride. "In fact, I have brought you the gospel and I will give you relief."
"What relief?" Loki’s words made Hawkeye Barton right.
Loki sighed in a sincere voice and whispered, "ultimate freedom is a big scam that human beings give themselves. It is a shackle and the source of trouble. The weak should not have freedom, which will make you feel at a loss and choose. If you can admit this, your heart will get eternal peace."
“**!” Hawkeye Barton cursed "Go to hell and have peace". You talk about giving peace to mankind, but I think you are trying to stir up unrest.
Dr. Selvig looked down at the data on the brain screen and then raised his head and said, "The eagle will explode here when it is procrastinating, and then we will be crushed on a stone more than 30 meters thick. The Rosen Bridge will reach the critical state in two minutes after its self-collapse. He chose to sacrifice himself and wanted to kill us. He was buried alive here together."
"Stupid human" Loki stepped in front of Hawkeye Barton in an instant, and stretched out his right hand to hold the Hawkeye bow and arrow and deviated him to one side. He snorted with interest. "I don’t deny that you little toys will cause me some trouble, but you have no time. We should go."
"Who will be with you?" Hawkeye Barton loosened the arrow with the other hand and made a fist to hit Loki in the face, but as soon as his arm was raised, he was held down from behind.
Agent Hill was silent for a long time before he was almost devoted to the holy man. He smiled faintly and said, "No Hawkeye, stop attacking God. Stop your blasphemy. We humans have always been servants of the gods. Now we have recovered the past that was briefly forgotten. We should remain humble before God and follow their guidance."
Chapter one hundred and seventy-four Leading Party
"Hill!" Hawkeye Barton finally couldn’t help but be surprised. He couldn’t understand how Loki Root could control her without touching Agent Hill.
Loki smiled and said with a little self-satisfaction, "Look, I forgot to introduce that I am proficient in magic, have spiritual power, can hypnotize, hallucinate, project my mind, and maybe I am a fencing master and a genius master."

By adminq