Someone over there immediately replied, "If they choose them, they will throw away their hands. Just yesterday, Nezha Jun almost cut off her boyfriend’s hands! Many people have seen this. "
Harakumi couldn’t help frowning. "The folkways in the East China Sea and Dashang are conservative, unlike those in Japan. It’s also because some of you don’t behave properly at ordinary times and offend others that they are allowed to make this threat."
She turned to the two of us. "There are a lot of body movements in the two students’ smart performance, and it should be difficult for you to wear clothes and be touched by your partner. Now I will give you the choice, and you can naturally choose the person you can trust."
"What you can also limit can touch your body parts, when and occasions now you watch a state! Cause misunderstanding. "
AoZhen smiled "all right! In fact, it’s not that serious. In training, performance and competition, my partner will not pursue my physical touch because of training needs or mistakes. "
Harakumi looked at me again. "Nezha Jun?"
So I repeated Aozhen’s words word for word.
Harakumi turned to the boy. "How do you understand?"
There are nodding to accept.
"Good" Harakumi faced Aozhen "Then!"
Aozhen took a look at the boy’s side. "I choose Longjie. I am a dragon and his name has the word dragon."
"Ryujie classmate" Harakumi asked "Do you agree?"
"I agree," Ryujie replied.
"Okay, you guys step out and get ready on the sidelines."
Harakumi looked at me again. "Nezha Jun?"
I said, "I have to see it" and then I went to the boys and looked at them one by one.
In fact, for me, the best choice now is probably the number one lotus, but this handsome face is too cold and ninja killer, which I don’t like.
And I secretly observed the reaction of the girls behind me. When I stopped in front of Lotus, Kwai and Yui both looked very nervous. Forget it and leave it to them to fight!
Hercules Xiang, I don’t choose because I’m not handsome. I found a little red face. Really?
I walked up to Shinichi and stopped to look him in the eye. "Shinichi?"
"Mr. Nezha …" His face turned redder. He didn’t want me to look at him, so he bowed his head. But we were too close. He looked down at either my chest or my bare legs, which made him feel at a loss.
I feel very funny in my heart. This kid is really …
"Zhen Yijun" I asked him, "Can you lift me?"
He looked up "should be able to! Nezha Jun doesn’t look very heavy. "
6 true one-on-one training
I am petite and thin among the contestants in the Chaoge Contest. Yin Jiao, Deng Chanyu, Mei Lin and Hong Xin are all bigger than me. Dou Wan is thinner than me, but I am relatively tall among the girls in Japan.
And Shinichi is taller than me, and I will be taller than him without a punch!
"Then let’s try!" I put his hands together in front of him, then ran up and climbed his hands in two steps. He raised his hand and threw me high, then turned over and landed steadily.
"All right, I’ll choose Shinichi."
"Shinichi?" Harakumi looked at Shinichi.
"Oh … I agree"
Looking at the little boy really silly there, I grabbed his hand. "Really a gentleman is gone!" "
Later, according to the ranking order, Kwai chose Lotus as she wished, while Yui skipped Xiang, who ranked third, and Ai Li and Xin Ying chose the fourth, fifth and sixth boys respectively, and chose the boy who ranked first (she wanted to choose leisurely, but they were too familiar and irregular). Xiang was finally chosen by the girl who ranked first.
Yu Juntai’s wretched men have no girls who want the rest, saying that they would rather go to Class B than choose them.
Before we officially practiced, we suddenly said this to me in private, "I was your admirer in Nezha’s previous life!"
The more I feel funny, "it’s true that your past worship should be Nezha’s brother!" It must be a little disappointing to know that Nezha turned out to be a girl, and Nezha’s brother became Nezha’s sister. "
"No, it’s not," he quickly denied. "Sister Nezha, I admire you because you are a hero, not because you are a man, but" he asked, "what makes you a boy in everything?"
"Well …" I lied. "At home, I always wore men’s clothes until I entered a women’s college. I’m not used to wearing this kind of thigh-exposed woman now …"
I stopped and looked at his face with a hundred disbelieves. Did I say it was a goof?
"Then let’s train!" I say
We move from the simplest to the armpit, then to the waist, hip, hand and foot. When I climbed on his shoulder, I was really worried about whether his seemingly weak shoulders could withstand it, but I found that it was much more stable than the big Xu Fang.
When our hands and feet touched, the cooperation was very smooth, but when it came to the need for him to hold my leg, he was very restrained in moving, especially when I split the fork and was held over my head by him, which made Yuan Jiumei have to run and watch.
"It’s a you so no! Will throw Nezha. "
I also warned him, "If you throw me to the ground like a big one, I will punish you!" "
I regret my choice, and I can’t help thinking that this little boy really hasn’t touched the girl’s body or is it because he met his idol?
Stop being so narcissistic, okay?
But why can’t you be narcissistic?
In my previous life, I have never met a girl’s leg in fifteen years, but I have never touched it. I have hardly seen it, including my childhood sweetheart Xiaoqian. I haven’t seen her knee an inch since junior high school. It is already a last wish of Li Cha.
If I didn’t become a girl myself in this life, how could I have a chance to touch a girl’s body? How can I not be tempted if I suddenly see a well-dressed beauty Nezha in front of an ordinary boy like Shinichi?

By adminq