If Sun Youliang’s own North-South echo is still expected by Li Ning, then the source announcement issued by Beijing Xinguo Club is somewhat beyond Li Ning’s expectation. In addition to supporting the decision of Shitang Club, they also said that they can export a group of players to Shitang Club under reasonable conditions to help Shitang successfully tide over the difficulties.
In an instant, the whole Shenzhou club issued support announcements one after another, saying that it was necessary to strengthen team management and strive to safeguard the overall interests of China football. From oral football to China football, a gratifying situation appeared.
Li Ning Shang received Rong Zhijian’s words on the night when Beijing Xinguo Club issued the source announcement.
"As soon as Mr. Li got engaged, he made such a big news that it was really extraordinary."
Apart from seeing Li Ning Shang Rong Zhijian on both sides, he really hasn’t dealt with anything. Li Ning Shang is really puzzled by the sudden call from the other side. He can ask, "Mr. Rong, why did you call me?"
After a burst of laughter, Rong Zhijian said, "Why haven’t you seen the source announcement issued by Beijing Xinguo Club, brother? I’m calling you to ask what I can do to help you. You are all friends in a circle. Don’t be polite to me."
Faint Li Ning Shang suddenly realized that Rong Zhijian’s family was the behind-the-scenes boss of Beijing Xinguo Club. Why didn’t he think of it before rong family called Guoxin? That group of players were made to look at another level. The other party must have understood that calling at this time must have been nice to himself.
Now that I know the other party’s purpose, Li Ning Shang no longer doubts anything. He smiled and said, "I appreciate your kindness. Now I don’t need it here for the time being, or I hope we can get together more in China football."
Hearing Li Ning’s willingness to talk together, Rong Zhijian stopped talking about what he had achieved, so there was no need to talk more. He immediately said, "If there are any new points and brothers in the future, I will try my best to support you within my ability."
After saying thank you, the two sides hung up separately.
The release of a penalty decision has caused many results, but most of these results are developing in the direction that Li Ning’s business is willing to accept. The World Cup is still going on, and the group stage is finally about to start. Li Ning’s business has begun to calculate the timetable for returning to Germany. I don’t know how it is going in Luo Zhiqiang.
Chapter 17 Selection
After all, Zoff’s school is not made of iron. After a series of professional tortures, he finally spat out the contact information of his client on the third day of his sentence. Luo Zhiqiang expressed heartfelt appreciation for Zoff’s perseverance and said on the spot that if the news of Zoff’s school is correct, China will no longer torture him and promise to let him enjoy his client’s pigtails before executing him. However, Zoff’s school has no spare strength to thank Luo Zhiqiang for his kindness. Before Luo Zhiqiang finished this sentence, he was already in trouble. In a deep sleep, Luo Zhiqiang immediately laid a precise trap together with the national secret service organization, and opened the veil of the client layer by layer. Finally, a week later, they found out the true identity of the client, and Luo Zhiqiang immediately dialed Li Ning’s business words.
"The boss is behind the scenes."
Li Ning Shang is also very happy to hear the excitement of Luo Zhiqiang, because it means that he can go to Germany. Dortmund still has a lot of things to deal with by himself. He said happily, "Is it a small day to thank you?"
Luo Zhiqiang paused. He was surprised and asked, "You know all about it. If you had told us earlier, we would have handled it faster."
Li Ningshang replied with a smile, "I guessed it too. If I guessed wrong, wouldn’t it mislead your investigation direction?"
"Oh, can you tell me how you are sure it was made by Japanese?"
"People do things with a purpose. The biggest suspect is the winner of the biggest benefit, and the beneficiary of my assets is my parents so far. They can definitely be excluded from my business competitors. No one will pay 100 million dollars to kill me, because even if I die, the enterprise will continue to compete. The only possibility is revenge. Recently, I have offended the four clubs, which is a small Japanese enterprise, so I estimate that the Japanese are the most likely."
"We must pay attention to this investigation."
Once again, Li Ning smiled heartily and said, "Thank you for telling me the good news. It seems that I can go to Germany early."
In a burst of assurance in Luo Zhiqiang, Li Ningshang hung up the words, "It seems that things in China have to be accelerated." He silently contemplated in his mind.
Now that a China boss has developed the China market, it has certainly become a key adult team in Hess’s plan. The short-term goal is to win the championship, and it is impossible to introduce any China players. When Li Ning sent scouts to China to see if there were any players worth training to send to Dortmund Youth Team for training, Hess immediately raised his hand and agreed, and immediately called several senior scouts to China.
In order to build momentum, Shitang Club released this news before the arrival of scouts, and announced that the scout selection will face all football schools and individuals in China, and Shitang Club will take the responsibility for the players who have passed the preliminary test. If the players belonging to football schools are selected, Shitang Club will give a rich training to the football schools to which the players belong at one time. Suddenly, football schools all over the country responded to the registration and came to participate in the selection.
As soon as the scouts arrived in Nanjing Later Tang Club, they immediately held a grand press conference to announce that Nanjing World Tang Football Club would merge the German Dortmund Club strategically, and announced the details, including that Dortmund Club will select several players from the young players of the World Tang Club for training in Dortmund Youth Team every year. If the trainees are selected by Dortmund Club, Dortmund Club will have to pay the World Tang Club, and the World Tang Club will become Dortmund Club players and join Dortmund. Players who sign a contract but don’t play will be arranged to play the China League at Shitang Club, but a certain number of games must be guaranteed. Dortmund Club needs to arrange a first-team coach to teach at Shitang Club during the offseason every year. If Shitang Club’s first-team team arranges Dortmund City for training, Dortmund Club must arrange a main team to participate in the teaching match.
Once the details were announced, public opinion was in an uproar. Is this simply an unequal treaty? However, this time, the beneficiary role was that the original media comments of the China Club were deeply integrated, and all of them were confirmed. The China football media immediately found the direction and reported on the integration. Comments and topics were immediately released, and they rushed to the column with the enthusiasm of the fans.
To say that Hess is definitely not a fool. Although Li Ning is the boss, the management of the team is in his hands. If Li Ning asks him to finish the cocoa and refuses to implement it according to the contract, Hess is cheering when the China media Shitang Club Dortmund Club signed an unequal treaty. At this time, Dortmund Club’s market research report in China surpassed Inter Milan to become a foreign club with the largest number of fans in China. The continuous growth of team sales has become the most purchased foreign club team by China fans; The exposure rate of club news keeps increasing, which makes China media pay the most attention to foreign clubs. These paragraphs make Hess smile and mouth shut. These are all money. In the business field, there is a saying that whoever can take the lead in the China market will take the lead in the future competition. The China market is as big as the vast Xinghai. You haven’t seen a second-line brand that used to live in Europe. Since it was only a few years ago, it sponsored the European Cup and Real Madrid, and it was terrible to squeeze into the first-line ranks of Europe.
Facing the media’s pursuit and fans’ attention, Li Ning’s business is not hot-headed. This is the first step of his football strategy. It’s almost four years since the China-Japan World Cup, it seems that Japanese football has fallen from boiling point to freezing point. One by one, its ills have been exposed, and one bad habit has been exposed. The whole China football is like a tree that has been eaten by insects and blown by the wind. Fans are gradually moving away from the stadium, and the media can’t find hot spots to stimulate their enthusiasm. However, I accidentally found that some players have gone abroad and entered the European League. Like a comet, it disappeared in an instant. Although the Football Association tried again and again to recall the memory of the fans, it changed China A to super-invited stars to appear at the opening ceremony, but what it got was always beautiful in an instant because they never really grasped what the fans needed.
What the fans want most is to hope that people can be disappointed again and again, but there must be no hope. But look at the football in China today. Apart from disappointment, the fans can’t see a glimmer of light. Super League is still a former Chinese player. The shady scene has not disappeared with the name change, and it still hangs over the land of football in China.
Why is Li Ning attracted by so many fans? Why does China media spare no effort to pursue his every move? It is precisely because Li Ning has turned on a lamp in this heavy darkness that he has let all football players see a glimmer of light. Although this may be an illusion, although this may be the beginning of another disappointment, people have found a little difference in it, and people have seen a glimmer of future in it.
This is exactly what Li Ning pursues. He needs people to start re-injecting football so that they can return to the stadium. Only when the fans return to the stadium can it be possible to start football again. To put it bluntly, it is a game. The audience is the player, and the game cannot be played without the player.
Then all Li Ning wanted was to keep bringing hope to the fans so that they could weave their dreams, first in Europe, then in China, then in Asia and finally in the world.
The selection of players began the day after the scouts arrived. The whole training base of Shitang Club became a selection place except for a space reserved for the first-team training of Shitang. Because all the scouts were children, they didn’t pay too much attention to their personal skills. They arranged several tests to observe the players’ physical fitness and basic work. Li Ning found that only according to these tests, the scouts eliminated 60% of the players, and then one of the scouts organized a one-day training class, in which 60% of the remaining players were eliminated on the third day.
The scouts didn’t separate everyone so that they could catch each other, but divided all the players into two groups according to their different positions. When the game started, they would change the field every one minute, and sometimes they would deliberately change a player from team A for one minute and then play in team B to get a chance. All the players tried their best to make a trip from time to time, but when there was a bloody scene, the scouts would immediately stop the game and then replace the injured and fouled players.
This game mode lasted for two days. At noon on the third day, the scouts came to Li Ning’s business office.
"Hello, Chairman of the Board of Directors," said Aoweilihe, the leader of the football team. "After our observation during this period, we found many good seedlings in the youth group. Unfortunately, we didn’t gain anything in the youth group. I suggest that you better discuss with the China Football Association to change their training mode for young players. Although people say that watching German players’ games is like watching a machine in operation, it is said that the team cooperates as a whole, but I have seen traces of machines in these young players."
Chapter 10 Doll Strategy
The dialogue between scouts made Li Ning’s business lost in thought, among which China’s youth football training really seemed too utilitarian. At present, the youth team is constantly creating great achievements, but it actually destroyed a group of players. In the future, I remember that when China’s national team re-selected the national team coach after the World Cup in South Korea and Japan, two European national football associations competed in France and the Netherlands. At that time, Li Ning’s business was more optimistic about being French. They not only chose the head coach, but also planned a set of mature youth training programs for China Football. This is definitely a sincere expression, but I don’t know which rib of China Football Association #86; The reason given by Han turned out to be cheap. Everyone in China has always known the truth of cheap and good goods. I really don’t understand how these football association officials learn Chinese. In the end, it turns out that the choice of China Football Association is wrong, and this choice error has pushed the China League into the abyss in disguise.
In China, after being selected by coaches, children will leave their parents and families and go to sports schools or professional football schools to attend closed boarding schools and receive professional football training. Even if they study cultural knowledge, these places will arrange teachers to educate them in a unified way.
Long-term closure makes them lack of understanding of the outside world. The monotonous life leads them to yearn for the wonderful outside world. The lack of communication makes them unable to make normal people think to analyze football. Their thoughts, their actions and their cooperation are all instilled in them by coaches, which leads to a unified mark for China players, that is, the lack of creativity. It is precisely because all kinds of China players can never be strict with themselves that China players can never exert their strength when they meet key games.
Li Ning-shang once visited the training base in Claire Fontaine, France, where training for young people is completely another way. All children live and study like normal children. After school, the base bus takes them to the base for professional football training and integrates football into life. Life promotes football.
Because of the difference, Li Ning Shang always sees smiling faces when French children play football, but when China children play football, their faces are always frowning. Earlier, Li Ning Shang saw a short documentary about youth football in Xinjiang in the fifth set of the Central Committee. The same scene kept repeating the coach’s fierce abuse of children’s training. From beginning to end, he never saw smiling faces when those children played football. In this state, what future can these children expect in the future?
Milutinovic was the only successful coach in China. Although his success was largely due to luck, he was the first person to bring the concept of happy football to China. After he left, CCTV also shouted happiness all day. But what about the fact? Happy and in the square? This time, they really didn’t exert their due strength. The pain continued and their brows still didn’t stretch.
Football should start with dolls, and the revitalization of football in China should start with children. Li Ning immediately contacted Hess and asked him to join all the youth training experts to come here on the third day. Since no one is the first to try to change, let’s start with him.
The training plan has long been ready. According to the situation in China, experts slightly modified it. Two days later, a more detailed youth training plan was put on Li Ning’s desk. This kind of thing started one day earlier and China football benefited one day earlier. Li Ning decided that it must be implemented before leaving the country. He immediately called all the management team coaches of the club and some experts in colleges and universities to discuss and modify this plan, and two days later, he drew up a plan that really suited China’s national conditions.
Immediately, the center of gravity of the whole club shifted. Because they had enough funds, they all seemed so relaxed and comfortable in their work. The football enlightenment education program hired 100 unemployed players and invited experts specializing in youth football from Cologne Sports University in Germany. After two months of training, the unemployed players passed the examination and signed long-term contracts with them. Their work was to serve as full-time football enlightenment teachers in various primary schools or kindergartens. For this accident, Although the workers may not earn as much as they did before, and they don’t have a formal teacher establishment, they can be successful. The employees of the Tang League have to work hard and they are worried about food and clothing for half a generation.
Football in China has been carried out for more than a year. At the beginning of the professional league, players earned a lot of money. Many parents of children chose the career path of football. However, with the decline of the big environment, many players lost their jobs without even joining the professional football team, and these people have no special skills. When the group posted the recruitment notice, they received thousands of application forms, including some former slightly famous players who were finally admitted through screening. All of them were extremely rare. They also worked very hard during this opportunity to study and were afraid of being eliminated in the subsequent assessment.
On July 1st, just after the summer vacation came, Li Ningshang took the lead through the Provincial Education Commission to invite the principals of primary and secondary schools with football fields to Nanjing at 3 pm in the conference room of the Provincial Education Commission.
"This time, the Provincial Education Commission brought everyone together to hold this meeting, mainly at the request of Shitang Football Club. Everyone should have heard of the death of Mr. Li Ning Shang, the chairman of the Tangtuan. We are proud of China business circles. Mr. Li is very enthusiastic about sports. His personal investment in Shitang Football Club has now become a symbol of Jiangsu football. Expanding the sports foundation of the high masses, Shitang Football Club of Jiangsu Football Population Provincial Education Commission decided to first conduct educational experiments in all schools here to carry out football enlightenment education. Ball is a weak project. The provincial party committee and government are very concerned about the football cause in Jiangsu. The leaders of the provincial party committee and government attach great importance to this World Tang Football Club meeting. Football is a popular sport and a symbol of the comprehensive strength of the province. In response to the call of the provincial party committee and government, the provincial education commission decided to incorporate football into the official physical education class teaching plan. We invite Comrade Li Ningshang, chairman of the World Tang Sports Investment Group, to introduce this plan in detail. Please welcome. "The owner of the provincial education commission took the lead in applauding.
Li Ning Shang boarded the rostrum in a warm palm. He first shook hands with the chairman of the Provincial Education Commission and then stood in front of the podium.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Provincial Education Commission for your strong support, and thank you, principals, for being able to come to Nanjing to attend this meeting. Not long ago, the Shitang Group established the Shitang Sports Investment Fund, which is dedicated to exploring the national sports market and promoting the development of national sports. As the Shitang Group is headquartered in Nanjing, Jiangsu is the preferred investment area for the group, and the Shitang Football Club is led by the provincial party committee and government. The Provincial Education Commission supported the launch of this plan, and we will also start the sports investment fund to support this plan. All the schools where the principals are present have one thing in common, that is, the school has its own football field, which is the basis of this plan. The Shitang Sports Investment Fund will fund the principals to rebuild the football field and fund the regular maintenance of the Shitang Football Club. The University of Cologne, Germany is training a group of professional football coaches. If the principals agree, they will be assigned to the schools where the principals are working as football coaches. At the same time, the Shitang Sports Investment Group has established the "Shitang Cup" in collaboration with the Provincial Education Commission and theThe provincial primary and secondary school football competition will be divided into primary school group, junior high school group and senior high school group, and the competition will be held once a year and once a week. Each group will first select a school representative from each city. These representatives will go to Nanjing to participate in the finals during the summer vacation. The Shitang Football Club will be responsible for participating in the finals. For the top three schools in the finals, Shitang Sports Investment Fund will be given to 50,000, 30,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan were awarded to ensure that the players will not become adults after unemployment. The World Tang Football Club will select the players in the high school group, and the selected players will be compensated by the club for 30,000 yuan for training. However, the principals must ensure that if other clubs come to select players, they must obtain the permission of the World Tang Football Club before releasing the players, otherwise they will be considered as violating the contract and disqualified. "
Taiwan has once again sounded a warm applause, and everyone is very welcome to plans with economic benefits.
After the palm of your hand gradually subsided, Li Ning continued, "I have prepared an agreement here, and the horse workers will distribute it to everyone for the principals to read. If there is no doubt, please sign your name at the corresponding position at the end of the page and give it to the etiquette lady at the door when you go out. We have prepared some meetings to commemorate it, and the etiquette lady will distribute it to everyone. After the dinner party arranged by the delegation at the Shangri-La Hotel in Dingshan this evening, please take a special bus and go there. I am here to thank the principals for their support."
Once again, Li Ning knows that his goal has been achieved. If the principal here signs the agreement, he will send the trained football coaches to various schools. It depends on the basic skills of these enlightenment coaches.
Li Ning Shang didn’t go to the dinner party. He arranged a delegation with a director to accompany him, but he rushed back to the company. There were still many things he needed to decide before leaving. At this time, Li Ning Shang didn’t feel tired at all, and he was walking along the dream road step by step. His mood was really great.
Chapter 19 Behind the scenes
Luo Zhiqiang’s behind-the-scenes trail to Li Ningshang has been completely mastered, and the special action team has also been sent to the local area. It is estimated that everything will be successful in a week. Li Ningshang has never seen the interests of China agents, but only from Romania, Judging by their skill, he was full of confidence in Luo Zhiqiang’s prediction, so he immediately informed his assistant that he could start repackaging. He had lived in China for almost three weeks. If one week could solve his worries, Li Ning was going to fly back to Germany directly to watch the World Cup finals. Among all the teams that appeared in the group, his favorite team was Brazil, because he had the most favorite stars in Brazil, and Adriano’s joining also made him feel close to Brazil, but Li Ning was also white that this year’s champion would not belong to Pakistan. This is not because Brazil is not strong enough, but because the World Cup is held in Europe, just as the European team has never won the World Cup in the American continent, and the European team will try its best to prevent the American team from winning the championship in Europe.
Although Brazil once humiliated all European teams in Europe and Sweden, it was already in 1958. Think about how strong Brazil was in 1998. Before the final, almost all the media saw Brazil as a favorite to win the championship, but in the end, it turned out to be like a series of inexplicable accidents that made France a new world cup champion.
Li Ning, the opponent in the final, thinks that there will be two European teams in the end, because UEFA will never allow it to happen again, as in the final of the 1998 World Cup in France, which two teams will it be? It is not so easy to guess. It may be the Netherlands, Italy or even Germany.

By adminq