It’s definitely a cultural relic. Imil stroked the sheepskin whose surface has turned yellow and rolled up, and said strangely, "Are the Zetatarians very famous? They can be found in the library of the Knights of St. John."
Magdalena shook her head and said, "Not many of us know that the Zetatarians have strong deformability. They first invaded the earth during the Second World War and received the trust and support of Nazi leader Hitler. Captain America soon had the first encounter with this alien force, which was to prevent them from launching nuclear bombs. It was not until the first century that SHIELD salvaged him and, incidentally, released our sacred gun nun."
Imil nodded. "Haha, it seems that you still have a deep hatred with these aliens. If they hadn’t forced Captain America to crash, you wouldn’t have suffered in the Arctic Ocean for so long."
Magdalena was not interested in revenging herself. She carefully marked the map with a ruler. "Loki found a good place on the outskirts of new york, which used to be the production base of Brandt Group, but it has been abandoned for a while."
"Brand group, etc. You mean the brand industrial park on the outskirts of new york? I have been to their institute! "
Imil patted his head and didn’t say that he cleared out the research base for Loki, or did he say that the trend of the world has changed since then?
After learning where Loki was, Imil still had a question. He looked at Magdalena and was a little puzzled. "You said that even if Loki’s magic was great, he couldn’t find so many top scientists to study the tesseract at once, right?"
If Kim gets the tesseract, he can summon a group of degenerate scientists in the world to work for him every minute, but even though Loki is a Nordic evil god, he has no foundation on the earth.
Come on, it’s already the first century. Even in northern Europe, there is not much faith in Odin, the main god. It’s a question of how many people can remember the second-tier gods like Loki, Thor and Valchi Liya.
Magdalena carefully copied all kinds of data from architectural drawings and shook her head to answer Imil’s question: "SHIELD never lacks the enemy hydra, the Zodiac, the ghost gang, Hydra and the Ten Commandments."
Imil narrowed his eyes. He seems to have a little impression of the Ten Commandments. "It sounds like it has something to do with the church."
"No, no, that’s not the Ten Commandments, but ten rings with magical power," Magdalena explained at once. "The church doesn’t have much information about the Ten Commandments, but their potential power is quite large. We once suspected that the terrorist organization that kidnapped Tony Stark in Iraq was the Ten Commandments."
Imil shook his head in surprise. I didn’t expect that there are so many terrorist forces in this world. He always came out. "Anyone who has the ability to threaten American forces is the right one for SHIELD."
Magdalena nodded naturally. "Of course, we have monitored the secret plan of SHIELD. They seem to be conducting a top-secret development research aimed at all human beings. They want to hang a Damocles sword above their heads, but the remote control is in their hands."
"I haven’t heard of this kind of plan, but I hope they don’t mess with me. Although I’m not afraid of the S.H.I.E.L.D. war, it’s best if I can live in peace." Imil clenched his fist. Before he solved mephistopheles, he was like a hedgehog, full of alert for everything.
He borrowed it from Magdalena and didn’t intend to return it. Suddenly, his mobile phone rang. Imil Zou Zou frowned and pressed Jietongjian. Then he looked at Magdalena strangely and said, "Father Terrence is here."
He suddenly floated out of bed and came to the door and opened it. Father Terrence was trembling at the door in a neat friar robe. It was rare that he should leave the church and come into the world of secular people.
Imil smiled and went to hug Father Terrence in distress situation and said, "Please come in and please stop performing, Father. I know you are healthier than a mountain baboon."
Father Terence broke away from Imil’s arms in embarrassment and rubbed his body back a few steps, muttering, "Great Lord, forgive me for hugging a man."
"Ha ha" Imil smiled even more embarrassed. He didn’t know that Father Terrence looked ordinary and old, but he was so conservative in such a thing.
He invited Father Terrence into the living room and shrugged his shoulders and asked, "Father, I have reported so much information to you. Didn’t you bring me a little good news?"
Father Terrence laughed. "You have very timely information."
He whispered in Imil’s ear, "Our people are closely monitoring the vampire’s dynamics. Dr. Strange is right. Dracula must have been seriously injured. He stayed in new york and has some insignificant descendants. Besides, Oscar Pistorius is in hand. He will come to meet you as soon as possible."
To prevent losing contact, please remember to reserve the domain name 8 l a.
"Really?" Imil narrowed his eyes suspiciously. He always put a few question marks on Father Terrence’s words. "If I remember correctly, you have promised me several times that Oscar Pistorius will join the Watchers’ League, and I haven’t seen the right Eric mr. brooks yet." To be continued.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-six Gold Card
Father Terence raised his eyebrows lightly and said, "You know that people with ability always have a little personality. I can guarantee that I will come to new york as soon as I get it in Oscar Pistorius!"
Imil rolled his eyes and God knows how long it will take Oscar Pistorius to perform. God knows how fast this "as soon as possible" in Father Terrence’s mouth will be. He can’t pin his hopes on Oscar Pistorius to deal with the evil god Loki.
"So, Father, you came all the way to my house because I brought a promise?"
Imil smiled and picked up Father Terrence and pushed him out of the door, saying, "Then I’ll give you a head back, too. Thank you. Bye."
"No, no, Imil, you can’t be so rude to a respected priest!" Father Terence blinked pitifully and finally became nervous when he saw that Magdalena was indifferent to Imil’s expulsion.
He said to himself with some remorse, "Oh, my God, I forgot that the Nuns of the Holy Gun were born because of the Longinus gun. They are naturally closely related to the Longinus family."
"Please let go of me, Imil. I really brought something nice." Father Terrence put his hand into his robe and took out a thin card about the size of a letter card.
Imil’s face smiled and stretched out his hand from Father Terrence’s hand and took the card in the past, reflecting the white light in the sunshine card.
"What is this? Is there a new bank card? " Imil studied a card with no numbers, and a series of runic sentences were engraved on the bottom.
Father Terence’s face hung up again with a kind smile. "Well, our people helped develop this gold card at the strange doctor."
"What does the strange doctor have to develop it?" Imil shook a card.
"After seeing the evil god Loki’s mind staff, the strange doctor is trying to find ways to help you resist its mind control, and this card borrows the purification ability of Bixiang to wear it on your chest to ensure that you are not controlled by spiritual power."
Imil and Magdalena looked at each other in surprise. They gasped heavily. Imil raised his eyebrows and hurriedly invited Father Terrence into the living room. He told Magdalena to make a cup of coffee to calm the priest down. "It’s very kind of you, Father. This gift is of great help to us!"
Father Terrence smiled and said, "Imil, your door is really difficult to get in. This is what we have made now, and others are still working hard."
He slipped the card into Imil’s arms and Imil asked thoughtfully, "Do you have this one? What can’t be high speed? "
Father Terrence spread out his hand. "There is no way to study alchemy in the church. Credo is the only one who is already working hard."
"Credo" Imil remembered this name in his heart. Although he had a strange doctor’s advice, he was able to make such a card to resist the strength of the mind staff, which said that Mr. Credo had achieved alchemy.
Magdalena put a cup of instant coffee in front of Father Terrence, and the hot coffee stimulated the priest’s old face a little red.
He shouted, "You deserve it, Imil. You’ve become a bishop of the church at such a young age. Maybe it won’t be long before I call you Lord Crown. Haha, it’s all possible, isn’t it!"
I don’t know how much Father Terrence has drunk top coffee, but it’s meaningful to mix a cup of even instant coffee here in Imil, which can make the old guy have a good day.
He ate too many turtles in front of Imil and has never been so comfortably served by Imil.
Father Terrence smiled and sipped instant coffee in a plastic cup as if he were tasting something peerless, which made Imil frown. "Isn’t the economic situation of the church so optimistic as I estimated? Can a cup of coffee make Father Terrence steal for so long? "
Just as Imil and Father Terrence were having fun, they screamed in horror and came in from outside the villa. "Ah-"
"Boom" A Imil door was hit by two deacons wearing black robes, and they fell to the ground themselves.
Imil gave a punch to the desktop, and the yin force flowed endlessly, and a little bit of evil wind blew through him. He wanted to know who had the guts to call his door.
Magdalena’s reaction speed is also very fast. Her two rapiers will be brought with her at any time and placed in a place within reach. At this time, she also quickly pulled out her double swords and kept them in front of Imil.
Father Terence, on the other hand, furtively made a prayer gesture, and the two hands clasped together with a faint light flowing in their hands.
In their bright eyes, Johnny Brazer came in from the door with an embarrassed face. His jacket was covered with dust and he couldn’t say what it was. The dirty things seemed to have had a bad time.
He didn’t become a knight of evil spirits, but the excessive manpower has surprised Father Terrence, leaving a few deacons carefully around Johnny and then blocking Father Terrence as he poured into the living room in Imil.
Imil got up from his seat and kept imagining what had happened in his mind. Was it mephistopheles who instigated the evil knight to come to his trouble again?
He said coldly, "Johnny, Johnny Brazer, you should be glad that my sister is not at home. If you scare my sister, I will cut you to pieces."
Johnny Nye spread out his fingers and pointed to the two deacons who were thrown out by him and hit the door. They were still holding up the door panel of Imil’s house. "I’m very sorry, but I don’t know what pattern this door has drawn. As soon as I get close to it, there will be a force to push me away. I really have no choice but to do so."
Father Terence quickly glanced at the door panel of Imil’s house and observed the pyramid pattern with a cross on it. There was also a mysterious eye sign in the pyramid. He couldn’t help secretly surprised and smiled and shook his head. "This is Horus’s eye, a symbol of the protection of ancient Egypt. Imil didn’t expect that you had mastered such uncommon knowledge." To be continued.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-seven My site
Imil said gloomily, "Please come in, Johnny. Remember that you owe me a door plank." Father Terrence asked the deacons to take two unlucky people who were fallen by Johnny out and smiled and said, "Dear children, let me introduce myself. I am."
Johnny shook his head and said in a low voice, "Get out of here. I’m not interested in teaching people."
"I won’t walk in front of the master here." Father Terrence looked at Johnny carefully and seemed to want to see something from him.
Johnny looked at him coldly and shook his head. "I hate teaching people from orthodox to Protestantism. I hate you. It reminds me of a nightmare. A devil, look, where are you when the devil is threatening me?"
Father Terence looked at him. "So you resent all the church clergy more than you want to kill me?"

By adminq