Kelly repeatedly waved his hand and said "dare not". Looking at these people behind Lee Tae, he also interrupted from time to time to talk about where it needs to be higher.
Hang up the plaque such as Li Taicai turned and smiled and said to Kelly, "How did Wang Daren come over today? The king also wondering when to personally invite Wang Daren to come and teach. I didn’t expect Wang Daren to come by himself. "
Kelly also knows that although Lee Tae has some abilities, it is his first time to do things. During this period, Comrade Li Er also praised Lee Tae from time to time. But if there is something, Lee Tae won’t be very sure, especially in all kinds of skills, Lee Tae is ignorant, but he doesn’t know who is behind Lee Tae to help Lee Tae advise.
For this, Kelly wants to find out about these people, but it is a Lee Tae think tank. Knowing the details of these people, he can also treat Lee Tae in a targeted manner. Otherwise, when he should go to Lee Tae’s hand, he will collapse his teeth. That’s a big loss!
Kelly said with a smile, "Wei Wangdian is modest in his temple talents and the help of counselors around him. Where do you need officials to come? The temple doesn’t need to be too modest. You know, this is too modest but equal to pride!"
At this time, Lee Tae’s self-confidence has not expanded. It is still clear about his positioning. Why don’t you know your last name because of Kelly’s two sentences? For Kelly, Lee Tae can now compliment himself in front of Kelly and never feel that he has anything great.
For a few people around him, Lee Tae is also white. This is just a few bureaucratic brothers who are a little talented. If you really expect them to help you achieve great things, it is impossible, but there is still no problem in helping yourself to do a little thing. However, people like Kelly can rely on themselves. If you can pull Kelly to your side now, it will be quite beneficial for you to achieve great things!
Lee Tae thought of this and quickly handed over to Kelly. "Wang Daren flattered Wang Xiao, but he just wanted to share a little with his father. When it comes to Wang’s friends, it’s just a few readers. If Wang wants to have something, he has to be talented like Wang Daren. Wang really hopes that Wang Daren can help Wang achieve something!"
Lee Tae’s face was sincere when he said this, but Wang Ke shivered in his ear. This can be seen as Lee Tae sending a signal to himself that he wants to go in his array, while Lee Tae wants to achieve his career. Kelly is too clear that he should replace Tai Li Chenggan Lamar with himself and wait for Comrade Li Er to take over after a hundred years.
This is a far cry from Kelly’s idea. If Lee Tae succeeds, it means that he can’t reach the goal of pushing Li Ke’s position. It is hard to predict what Lee Tae’s personality will be like. It will never be better than Li Ke’s own fate. This can never be promised!
Now Kelly can be playing dumb. "The temple is really flattering. It’s all about the emperor sharing his worries. What do you need in the temple? The local officials are in charge of the command, and the faculties will do their best to do it."
Kelly’s words are ambiguous. If you want to say no, you don’t just say it. If Kelly said yes to Lee Tae, no one can assert that Kelly has also arrived at Comrade Li Er, and Comrade Lee Tae Li Er and Comrade Li Er have also told Wang Ke what happened to Li Tai. Wang Ke wants to help solve the problem. Wang Ke just repeated Comrade Li Er’s words, that is, Li Tai heard it, and it’s hard to say.
I don’t know if Lee Tae recognized the meaning of Kelly’s words or other reasons. After Kelly said this, he didn’t say anything. Instead, he took Kelly all the way to see the layout of the whole college, which made Kelly secretly surprised.
Wang Ke really didn’t expect that Lee Tae’s ability to make overall arrangements was so strong that all subjects were properly arranged, and he also had a clear understanding of the overall layout and a unique vision in the long-term plan. Instead of being purposely arranged everywhere because of new construction now, he left a piece for later placement when there were new subjects.
Kelly now also feels that Lee Tae is really talented. It is no wonder that Comrade Li Er first thought of setting up Lee Tae when he wanted to abolish Li Chenggan’s position. This reason is not because Comrade Li Er likes Lee Tae as simple as it is or Lee Tae itself is talented. In the history, it is recorded that Comrade Li Er likes Li Tai, and it is probably because the struggle between Li Tai and Li Chenggan made Comrade Li Er die of Li Tai, so he dared to erase Li Tai together.
There are many things like this in history, and Kelly doesn’t want to know it very well. After all, history is a winner. Writing a winner will not fail. Unless this person and himself don’t write it, they will increase their prestige. This is actually a foolish account in history. It is nothing strange.
As Lee Tae came to the door of Lee Tae’s office, Kelly saw a group of people busy tidying up their furniture. Kelly’s eyes swept away a person who didn’t know anyone, but this person was the last love of Fang Xuanling’s second house.
Kelly couldn’t help wondering how this house love got mixed up with Lee Tae. It’s a famous cuckold husband in the history of Datang, but now it seems that this little one hasn’t been sealed by Comrade Li Er. It seems that this one must be inseparable from Lee Tae except for his old Fang Xuanling. Lee Tae also played a role in this matter. I don’t know!
Chapter 327 Be honest with each other
Kelly really didn’t take it to heart for the military academy. Now he is just managing a specific matter. In terms of subjects, Kelly has already found a good person to do according to what he used to do when he trained the right-back army, and then he added the subjects he trained for the special reconnaissance brigade. That is to say, he put all the targeted subject trainings he had before together, and the whole officer training foundation was carried out.
And how can you teach these students if you don’t understand the necessary knowledge of officers such as marching and disposal? Kelly simply handed over all his departments to Excavate to let them discuss when and who will teach these students, but let these old killers mobilize their enthusiasm as soon as they don’t urge Kelly to go to class on time.
Excavate their appearance also makes these students work harder. After all, these old killers are in the minds of these people. That’s an idol figure. Now they can hear their lectures, but they dare not think about it before, which also urges them to learn more vigorously.
Kelly took the initiative to shift his focus to Lee Tae College. It’s not that Lee Tae is doing anything wrong now, but that Kelly knows that Lee Tae has always attached great importance to poetry, but he didn’t pay attention to other skills. Kelly was afraid that Lee Tae would pay attention to learning poetry when the time comes, but those people who are learning skills in the college will let themselves go, which will not achieve the kind of effect that Wang Ke wants to pursue.
However, when Kelly came over, he saw that Lee Tae was fair to every subject and treated all the students equally, which made Kelly couldn’t help but say a lot of nice things about Lee Tae in front of Comrade Li Er, so that Comrade Li Er looked satisfied and loved Lee Tae even more.
Now Wang Kebai and Lee Tae’s position in Comrade Li Er’s mind is not too low, which will gradually make Lee Tae’s unspeakable wish come out. What he needs now is to hide and watch until the time is ripe, and then let Li Ke come out to pick the fruit. Anyway, Lee Tae and Tai Chi will have no loss for Li Ke. Kelly is very happy to see this kind of struggle.
However, Kelly also knows that this kind of thing can’t be understood by Lee Tae alone when he has the opportunity, but he can still push it conveniently. But he can’t make it too obvious, let Lee Tae think about it in that direction without showing traces, and he won’t be implicated in the future when things are revealed, so that Comrade Li Er feels that he is also in it. Although it is difficult, it is not impossible to do it by himself, so there is no problem. However, it is necessary to grasp this opportunity by himself, but he can’t do it at will by finding a very appropriate time!
From the historical data, Kelly knows that now if Comrade Li Er really wants to abolish Tai and establish Lee Tae, he will soon give Lee Tae the same treatment as Tai rather than exceeding Tai. At that time, it is the best time to push Lee Tae to the edge of the cliff. Now he has to wait patiently, so that he can lend a "helping hand" to Lee Tae as soon as things appear.
Kelly has made up his mind about Lee Tae’s current trend and even more when he went to Lee Tae College. However, Kelly paid great attention to the fact that even if he found any problems, he would not directly come forward to solve them. Instead, he told Lee Tae to let Lee Tae find a way to find his own ideas at most, that is, to beat about the bush and then immediately go to Comrade Li Er to praise Lee Tae as soon as Li Tai solved it, whether it was solved perfectly or not, so that Comrade Li Er paid more attention to Li Tai.
In this way, Lee Tae also feels that Kelly is really helping himself and is willing to talk to Kelly about something. This has let Kelly know a lot about Lee Tae and made Kelly’s thoughts about Lee Tae clearer.
Li Ke has seen Kelly’s recent performance in the eye. Although I don’t know what Kelly’s purpose is, Li Ke still firmly believes that Kelly will not lose herself. However, watching Lee Tae grow stronger day by day is more favored by Comrade Li Er. Li Ke is still a little overwhelmed.
Now Lee Tae’s influence in the DPRK is getting bigger and bigger, and it is expected to catch up with the trend. Although he entered the DPRK earlier than Lee Tae, he has no contact with DPRK officials, especially civilian officials, which makes Li Ke unable to compare with Lee Tae in the DPRK discourse.
Especially now Lee Tae is in charge of the imperial college. Although these people who study in it are called Tianmen students, after all, they are directly managed by Lee Tae. Once these people become officials, they will be a big force, and they will only be able to produce some weapons in their own hands. The army has no advantage in commanding itself. Now it can rely on Kelly alone, that is, it is not known who can listen to their orders. Compared with Lee Tae, it is really far from it.
Li Ke now feels that he should discuss this matter with Kelly, and he should know what Kelly thinks now. Now the situation should also be explained by Kelly, and Kelly should be asked to give himself an idea from the attitude of seed collection, otherwise he will be completely blind now. It would be bad if he does something out of line.
I’m not surprised at Li Ke’s arrival in Kelly. I haven’t communicated with Li Ke all this time. I’m not afraid that Li Ke will misunderstand, but some things are always better for Li Ke to know what he thinks, so that it can be targeted and more tacit.
After dinner, Wang Ke took Li Ke to the room and sat down. Without waiting for Li Ke’s mouth, Kelly directly said, "There are some things that you must be puzzled by now. Today, we will tell you what I think, which will also help us to do it."
Hearing Kelly’s words, Li Kexin put it to Kelly as soon as he heard it. Although there is no rhetoric, it is a reassurance for himself. This means that Kelly has not forgotten his position or supported himself. What Wang Ke did some time ago should be Kelly’s layout. It is also natural that Kelly will not say anything to himself before the layout is completed. It is the most basic guarantee for Wang Kexin to achieve his wish!
Li Ke is not in a hurry now, and slowly tells all his thoughts one by one. At this time, Li Ke feels that there is nothing that can’t be said to be honest with himself and Kelly in order to unite more closely, and Kelly doesn’t hide what he did during this period. He told Li Ke that his heart was like a plan, and both of them were white. Now it seems that Lee Tae is in power, but these can’t be separated from Kelly.
Now, the higher Lee Tae is carried, the more painful it will be when he falls. Now, the more Li Tai is spoiled by Comrade Li Er, the more confident he will be. Then the more eager he is to fight with Too Li Chenggan, the stronger he will be. Only in this way can he be exposed earlier. By that time, the contrast between Li Kezhong and Lee Tae will also make Comrade Li Er have a dispute in his heart, and it will at least make Comrade Li Er think of Li Keyi.
For Kelly’s plan to Li Ke, if you think about it carefully, you don’t think there is anything wrong with fighting with Li Chenggan. Comrade Li Er will have some fear for himself. If he is strong, there will never be any good results. Now he can bury himself in his own work. For the struggle between Lee Tae and Li Chenggan, he can’t intervene at all. Let Comrade Li Er’s guard against himself fade slowly and wait until the opportunity is ripe. Wouldn’t it be much better for him to come out again?
In Kelly, if you can think of what will happen in the future, in Li Ke’s view, there is no need to think about whether you want Kelly or still contribute yourself, and you won’t know exactly how to do it yourself.

By adminq